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   "Your princess." I said stepping into the light.

"Lady Rosalyn what are you doing out so late and who is your companion?" I huffed indignuntly hopeing he couldnt hear my pounding heart. "Is a princess not allowed to stroll around her own castle?" He looked at me nervously. "Well is she?"

"Yes of course my lady." He stammered. I scoffed trying to hide the fear welling up in me. "enemys looms at our gates and you spend your time questioning your own princess. Be gone"

He staired disbelievingly at Branden. "Never mind him hes just a serving boy. Now go before i have you reported for insellence." The man still seemed unconvinced but turned. I sighed in relief Rushing branden the rest of the way to my room. Once the door was locked and bolted i turned to him smiling brightly. "I missed you Fathers been unbearable without you,"

"It seems your perfectly capable of handling yourself without me," He pointed to thorn still sheathed at my waist. "Im glad the dagger i gave you might finaly be put to good use."

Eventualy Issac returned telling us of how he'd bored father to sleep with his battle plans. It was almost eerie how similar we all looked the same golden hair and pale skin. the only major differnce between branden and issac was issacs pony tail.

"So what gave you the bright idea to grow a pony tail?" Branden asked,

"pony tails are cool."

"Realy,"Branden said unconvinced,"alright so whats her name?"

"Im sorry?" Issac mumbled going scarlet. "Whats the name of the girl who you tried to impress by growing a ponytail?"

Issac stuttered, "there's no girl thats preposterous."

"How about we snip it off when hes sleeping?" I asked, Issac looked horified but branden laughed heartily, "Ill hold him down you snip."

"Your both evil, evil i tell you." Issac wailed grabbing hold of his pony tail and moving far away from us. By some miracle Issacs pony tail survived the night.

The next morning we all rose with the same question on our minds. "So," I questioned "what now?" Branden spoke "I have to talk to father."

"No." Issac said,

"Perhaps i can make him see reason,"

"You dont know the man he has become he will not listen to reason he will have you shipped of to the border before noon."

"I shall have to confront him at some point."

"Now is not the right time."

"So what i just stay hidden?"

"Yes," I interupted a idea becoming clear in my mind, "You stay hidden. The nkarions are going to stage an attack on the wall soon and when they do if you are seen protecting your kingdom then youll be seen as a hero father will want to get the credit of course and so will have to act as if its his idea that your back. Its not like father goes to the war councils so Issac can sneak you in and im sure the generals would keep their mouths shut. I looked up seeing their astonished faces, "It could work."

Branden nodded pride shining in his eyes, "yes it could." Issac smiled, "when did you go and become a evil genious."

"Every rose has its thorns."

Issac and i walked through the halls towards the war council branden , who was possing as a serving boy under a cloak, behind us. We made it to the office inside was sir damson and three other generals. "Excuse me but who let the woman in." A general asked poking his finger at me. Branden then ripped of his cloak, "I did,"

"Prince branden i was not alerted you were home."

"Thats because im not suppost to be but we all know that the nkarions are a bigger threat than father is giving them credit we need all the help we can get." The generals staired in wrapped silence at branden, "So I came home even though father told me not to and if you care for this city at all you will not tell the king." The generals looked at eachother weighing up their options. Sir damson rose, "I have been loyal to my king for many years but the protection of the peope in this city come first. I shall happily keep your secret." The other generals nodded. But another stood, "I agree with sir damson but i must request that the princess is removed from the room before we begin." I could feel fury curling in my stomach, "my lords Rosalyn is very intelligent and deserves a seat at this table." Said issac, they staired at me unconvinced. "we cannot trust her she might ruin our plans send her out before i do." Another one said, Branden looked at me and i could tell the question in his eyes, if he were to fight them on this they might not respect him it could go as far as them telling father brandens home. I swollowed my pride and left the room with my head held high.

I didn't think my day could get any worse but life does have a funny way of exeding you expectations. "Princess you simply must join me and the other court ladys for afternoon tea." Claude crowed grabbing my arm in a vice grip and stiring my to the gardens were some of the other court ladys were waiting. The gardens had always been my favourte part of the palace when i was younger i would play pretend that i was on a dangerous misson to a deserted island, many plant pots were ruined through playing projectile training with my brothers. The flowers were a beautiful menagery of exotic colours you only saw here. It was tragic how that was all being ruined by the cackling of the crows around me. For the life of me i couldnt pay attention to their converastion my mind cutting back to what must be going on in the council chamber. "Princess?" Claude asked, "Hmm" I mummbled looking up.

"Terresa and i were wondering if its true that your set to marry the prince of rhannon when this buisnuss with the Nkarions is over." I nodded, she smiled. "Well isnt that lovely, i heard hes a perfect fit for you his favorte colour is red." She indicated to my red dress, "although its less of a rose red and more of a blood red and hes very intelligent i heard reports he can even spell his own name isnt that lovley?"

I felt bile rising in my throat, "Yes lovely," I mummbled taking a sip of wine as i desperatrly tried to think of a retort. "Your right about my favourte colour, i even changed my lips to match, blush pink hardly befits a princess but it looks sweet on you claude, like a child." I smiled sweetly silently thanking iona for the red lip paint. "If you dont mind ladys though it greives me to leave this riveting conversation i have ergent matters to attend to." I stood up and went back to my room to finish my book there was no chance i would let myself be killed by nkarions before I finished my book.

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