Chapter Fifteen

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"Dot! Come show us where you want the wardrobe!"

Joe and Mark were in the nursery, bonding over the struggles of flat-pack furniture. Dianne stood in the doorway, smiling at the way the two of them had spread everything out ready.

"Very organsied. Anyway, what did you say?"

Mark smiled at his daughter. "We said, where do you want the wardrobe to go? This corner or that one?"

"Over there. Out of the way of the door. And then the cot against this wall" Dianne pointed, "and the changing table on the other side."

Joe nodded. "Perfect. Right, we'll crack on then."

Dianne left, going back to clearing the pots from breakfast. Joe opened the instructions and he and Mark set about building the wardrobe.

"We haven't had a lot of time alone to chat" Mark said as they worked together. "How are you feeling? Excited?"

Joe smiled. "I am, yeah. I worry about Di and the baby, of course I do. But I'm excited. I just want to make sure everyone is safe and healthy and happy."

"That's fatherhood. It never goes away," Mark said with a nod. "I have to say, you're doing a good job so far. Di's so much more relaxed than last time. And I know that's down to you. She feels secure."

"Was is that bad last time?"

Mark shrugged as he screwed two panels together. "It was a difficult time. Dot was young. And scared. Obviously, it was unexpected which didn't help matters. Although she had me and her mum and her brothers, I think she felt quite alone. Bless her, she was amazing. She didn't have any health worries or anything while she was pregnant, and she was really focused on staying well for the baby, but we could tell she was stressed."

"Bless her. It must have been scary for her."

"I think it was. I mean, she's done an amazing job with Emelia. It hasn't been easy, not at all, and all of our lives have taken turns we didn't expect, but that kid is amazing. Given what she's been through, and how things could have gone, she's turning out so well."

"She is."

"I think being a big sister will do wonders for her, too. I think it will just really bring you all together."

Joe smiled. "I hope so. Actually, speaking of bringing us all together, I did have something I wanted to ask you when I got you alone..."



Dianne stood up, walking towards the sonographer who had just called her name.

"I called the other day and asked if I could have a couple of extra people in with me. My parents are visiting from Australia. Is that alright?"

The sonographer nodded. "It's all in your notes. All of you are very welcome- we have enough space. Please, follow me."

Dianne smiled as they walked down the corridor towards the examination room. The 3D scan was through a private company, separate to her usual midwife. They had booked it as a special experience to share with her parents and she had been excited about it all week.

"OK, I'm sure you know the drill. If you could lift up your top and roll down the top of your skirt, we'll get started."

Mark and Rina sat on chairs in the corner, Joe in his usual position next to Dianne holding her hand. The sonographer applied the gel and turned the screen for Mark and Rina to see.

"Do you have a good enough view?" He asked.

Rina nodded. "Perfect. Thank you."

"And before we begin," the sonographer turned back to Joe and Dianne, "can I just confirm you don't want to know if it's a boy or girl?"

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