Chapter 3

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[Class has just ended. I'm walking out of the classroom when Akari stops me]

Akari: So, JP, want me to show you around? There have been lots of changes since you've left.

JP: Sure.

[Enju quickly steps in]

Enju: Actually, Akari, I'll be showing him around. It's my duty as class rep after all.

Enju POV

[That's right, Enju! Now use this opportunity to get closer. Just as we're leaving, Lily and Tengge walk in]

Tengge: I heard the rumors and apparently they are true. You have returned, JP.

Lily: Good to see you again, JP.

[The sight of those two make me mad. Now that they know he's back, they'll be all over him]

Enju: I'm showing JP around. Now if you will excuse us...

Lily: Actually, I'll be coming with you. It's important that I do.

[Dang it, Lily!]

Lily POV

[She isn't getting ahead of me]


[I'm about to leave with Enju and Lily when I sense something flying my way. I turn to see a paper airplane and I catch in midair. I look to see who it was and I wasn't surprised at the culprit. It was Ricka]

Ricka: Your skills are still sharp, my rival.

JP: Why wouldn't they be?

Ricka: I've gotten a lot stronger since we've last seen each other. We should spar today to see if I've finally beaten the master.

Enju: Sorry, Ricka, but Lily and I are showing him around. That will take up all day.

Ricka: Then let me show him around. I can do it quicker. Then we can spar.

[The two start getting into a heated argument when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Myu]

Myu: Hello, JP-senpai.

JP: Hello, Myu.

Myu: Notice anything different about me?

[I look at her and see that she's wearing a smaller shirt then usual as well as her skirt. I know she's trying to hard to impress but this is too much]

JP: Myu, you don't have to force yourself to prove yourself. I'm sure you've grown up.

[Myu has a huge smile on her face]

Myu: Thank you, JP-senpai! How about we hangout today so we can catch up!

[A voice is heard behind us. I look and see Nanao]

Nanao: Actually, JP, I have something more exciting for you to do! Have you been keeping up with your anime, JP?

JP: I haven't unfortunately.

Nanao: Well, you're in luck! I just bought all the anime that we like! Let's marathon it!

JP: Sounds fun!

[Cy walks over]

Cy- Oni-chan liked that idea!

Nanao: Of course he did! He and I have more in common than the rest of you!

[Enju shouts back at me]

Enju: Let's go, JP! Daylight is burning!

[I'm tired of everyone arguing. I have to defuse this]

JP: How about this? Let's all go to a café and you can ask me all the questions you want.

Yamabuki: Sounds like a great idea! Are you paying?

JP: Naturally.

Enju: You don't have to do that, JP! There's a lot of us.

JP: I don't mind. I'm rich after all.

[We all head down to a café and start chatting. They ask me questions like, "Where did you go?" and "What did you do?" I noticed that we're missing Johnny. Well he isn't important anyway. I need to use the restroom so I get up]

JP: I'll be back girls.

[3rd Person POV]

[As JP walks away, all of the girls start scowling at each other and sparks fly everywhere. They all needed to have a serious talk]

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