Chapter 2

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It's cold. Really cold... I slowly gained my vision. I blinked frantically as I started to realize where I was. I began to cough as I heard a robotic voice.

"Critical failure in cryogenic array. All vault residents must vacate immediately."

I pushed on the cold, heavy door of the very weird freezer. I gasped as it opened, causing me to fall on to the ground. I gasped before more coughs came out from my sore throat. I looked up to see my husband's pod. I felt warm tears form in my eyes as I got up. I stumbled towards the button to open his pod.

"Come on... come on." I said impatiently.

It swung open and I instantly hugged his dead cold body. I didn't want to let go... all I wanted to do was cry and hold him forever. I whimpered softly before I pulled away and looked up at his frozen face.

"I'll find who did this... I'll get our baby back." I said in a raspy voice.

I quickly grabbed his ring before I looked around. No one seemed to be awake like me. Was I the only one who thawed out? Am I the only one who is even alive? Where is vault tec? Oh God so many questions and they all seemed to be growing by the second.

I wiped my tears away before I made my way to the big metal door that led to a hallway. Well let's get out of this place before cockroaches eat me. It didn't take long till I regretted the cockroache thing. I stood face to face to a giant roach. It wasn't your usual giant roach... it was like a size of a cat! Or maybe it's normal but I've never seen a thing like this before! It made a hissing noise before it lunged at me. I yelped before whacking it with a police baton that I encountered before I got to this point. It fell to the ground, dead.

"What the hell? Where is everyone?" I said before I headed deeper in to the vault.

I soon found myself in the overseers office. It was rather big, which I assume is normal for being the overseer. In the middle of the room was a rounded desk with a 10mm gun on it. I'm glad I had a husband who was in the military. He taught me how to use a gun before he left for his second mission. I grabbed the gun and the ammo and whatever this needle thing was next to it. I think it's called a stimpack? Who cares. I explored the room some more before I went on the terminal.

S### password protected. I guessed a few times before one worked. I smiled in victory before I did some research. Nothing was there that was important, except a secret hallway thing. I curiosity pushed it and the desk moved backwards. I blinked and watched it move back. My curiosity overwhelmed me and I went down the set of stares that was now revealed.

After fighting a few more giant bugs, I found myself by the entrance of the vault. I cautiously walked to a skeleton by the panel that I guess was my key out. On its wrist was a computer thing. I cringed and grabbed the thing off of the bone. I examined it before putting it on my own wrist. It turned on to reveal a little guy walking. I put my hand down before looking at the panel. It had a plug and a big red button. I looked at the computer thing and saw the chord that hooked in to the plug. I plugged it in before pressing the button. Sirens ran as the big vault door began to open.

I gasped and ran to the elevator that I went down on before the after effects of the bombs fell. It went up and I was soon blinded by the sun. I covered my eyes from the sun before I gasped.

"Oh God."


Note: sorry for my rushed and delayed update...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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