6•Pool Party

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Monday was going smoothly

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Monday was going smoothly. I had been in a good mood the whole day. I decided against calling Adrian even though it was killing me. I needed to stay focused. I didn't want to seem like I had that conversation with my brother for nothing.

I stayed up all night thinking about that small business card, though. I started imagining us trying to somehow make it work. That maybe my dream of us being together could become a reality. I thought about how maybe just one phone call wouldn't hurt. That way, he would know I didn't blow him off.

Then in came insecurities wheeling their way in. I thought about age and how clueless I was to all those emotions and feelings towards him. —Then, there was my past.

I knew he could get any girl he wanted. Why would he like me? I thought maybe I was delusional. He probably was just looking out for his best friend's little sister, nothing more, nothing less. So to save me from any embarrassment or rejection. I decided to forget the whole thing. That's anxiety for you.

I was seated outside of school waiting for my brother to pick me up. We agreed that Mondays would stay the same. After school, I'd go with him to his shoot-around.

As the thought of going to Mikey's shoot around with his friends ran across my mind, it hit me. Adrian would be there.

What the hell am I going to do? How did I not think about this? Is what raced through my head. I was so focused on him hugging me and the card he gave and not using said card. I didn't think about having to see him. —Maybe I should try to get out of it. —Nah Mikey wouldn't go for that. This was our agreement. He might change his mind about the car altogether. I have to suck it up, and go. This is not good. Why me? I rambled off.

                                                  Walking into the gym, my heart was beating so fast I thought it would stop. My brother was talking, but I didn't hear a word. "Rai, did you hear me?"

"No Mikey. You were mumbling. I didn't hear you." I answered while walking further into the gym, noticing Adrian wasn't there yet. I exhaled. "I said my friends are coming to the house later tonight. To hang out by the pool."

"Ok." I thought for a second then a little smile appeared. "So Leah's coming?" I knew this was his way of finding an excuse to get her back to the house. His way of being low-key and keeping things casual. "You caught me. I miss her and little man." He replied tilting his head side to side.

"Me too. You want me to call her or you?" I giggled. He shook his head no. "I got it, and if you want to hang out with us, that's cool. Invite Sienna." Mikey said as he walked with me.

"I'll call her and see if she wants to. If not, I'm hanging back in my room. Let y'all do your thing." We made it to the bleachers. I put my headphones on, then buried my face in my purple notebook.

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