8•I'm Not Quitting

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It's official

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It's official. I'm in a relationship with this man. I'm scared shitless, but I'm diving in—Michael's my person. He know and I know it.

We were both leaving his house after a long night of pure bliss. It was everything. "I'll see you later." I kissed him tenderly. He snaked his arms around me tight.
"Aight, call me when you get home. Your Aunt is taking KJ to school today right?" Michael asked.

"Yep. she told me she would since I was with you and she didn't want me rushing back on that side of town." I pulled away, only for him to pull me back to him. "Give me another kiss first so I can go." He poked out his lips. I kissed him repeatedly not wanting to stop. He retorted. It was endless.

Michael and I always had the most amazing chemistry ever. Kissing him before now always made me feel like I was doing something wrong. It made me feel like that was all I would ever be to him—his kissing bestie.

After a few more those he stared at me intensely grabbing my full attention. He had a very serious expression on his face. It frightened a bit because I had never seen it. "What's wrong?"

He took a moment before he spoke saying the complete unexpected. "I know this might seem sudden to you because we just made it official.  —But who am I kidding. I love you Leah. I always have."

I gasped feeling a lump form in my throat. That was definitely new. The only person I ever heard him say that to was Raina and Mama Laurie "I love you too." I said back without hesitation. Our love runs deep. I've never loved someone this much, aside from my son.

He smiled pridefully, biting down on his bottom lip. He didn't say aything else. He simply turned on his heel and walked away. Into his vehicle, he went.

I hiked over to my car. After getting my seatbelt fastened, I noticed a small envelope that read To Leah Joi Harrison. It was in the passenger seat. I retrieved and opened it. Inside the envelope, I saw a black MasterCard.

The hell?

I quickly looked out the window, shooting daggers into Michael's car. Next thing I knew the tires on his Audi rolled out of the driveway.
The nerve of him. I started my car and immediately dialed his number on the in-car system.

"Hello. You miss me already?" He spoke in a jittery tone. "Don't hello me, why did you do this?" I snarled. He had no right to do this.

"Do what babe?" He spoke softly.
"Why did you give me this? I don't need nor do I want your money." I asked in a tone that was much louder than his.

"Listen, we're not having this conversation right now. You're only at the club bartending for your last two weeks. Don't think on it too much. That's just something extra." He explained but I wasn't trying to hear any of it. It felt disrespectful. Like he crossed a line. Like why would he do that? That's something we sit down and discuss. Don't force shit on me.

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