This strange felling

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The song is what I listen to while writing this and it kinda goes with this chapter enjoy :)

"So..." Gilbert said trying to make a conversation "do you want me to go first or do you wanna start"

"you can go ahead," Anne said not wanting to have to talk to him

"My name is Gilbert John Blythe and I like to take pictures"

"My name is Anne Shirley Cuthbert and I like to read and write"


"What, Gilbert," said an annoyed Anne

"Whydoyouhatemeanddon'tsayit'sbecauseIpulledyourhairAnnethathappenyearsagowhywon't forgivemeamIjustnotagoodpersontohangoutwith" said Gilbert in one breath.

Anne looked taken back by this statement and Gilbert took her silence as a chance to keep talking

"Anne I just wanna get to know this smart, interesting, and funny person in front of me."

If you thought Anne was surprised before you should see her now, her face looked confused and Gilbert thought it was adorable but he would never admit that. Anne couldn't explain it but it was like all the hatred that was bottled up in her dispersed and was replaced with so many things. Embarrassment, wonder, butterflies in her stomach, and love- wait no I can't love him, can I? Anne was so confused and then it hit her I like Gilbert Anne thought and that's when her face turned crimson red.

"I forgive you" Anne mumbled seeing from her face, that's all she could say

"..You do," said Gilbert surprised this is all he had wanted since 6th grade and just expected Anne to brush off his words and ignore him and was jumping with joy when she said she forgave him.

"Friends?" Gilbert said wanting nothing more than to be her friend... and maybe more, but he knew that he wasn't that lucky and the next she said was the last thing he thought he would hear.

"Sure, Gilbert"

                                                                           Time Skip

It was after class and they came out laughing to Diana's surprise.  "What in world did you take to be talking to Gilbert," Diana said "We're friends now," said Gilbert before Anne could speak 

"Anne finally you admit that you like Gilbert," Diana said before getting her foot stomped on by Anne 

"Owwwwwwwww, Anne I was joking," Diana said, but as soon as she got a good look at the girl she saw her blossom friend blushing and knew she had some tea to spill

Sorry, this chapter is so delayed I had TCAP yesterday and was tried but now that this cha[ter is out of the way I can get to the chapters that made this whole story. I will probably update tomorrow but no promises 

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