11 and a/n

61 3 1

       crying, and crying will not do anything to get back to him, but  im doing for, for him

                     beating, abuse, cursing, at me but it for him, only for him

                                    i miss him, his eyes, his hugs, him being their

                                                        but it all goes into the wind 


                                                         i loved him and I let him go 

                                  first and the last kiss it will be into the god lets us meet again

          at least he's safe and sound,i don't care what happens to me 

crying my self to sleep, thinking about that all i every night, wait for you to come home to me

            praying to the gods to bring you back home to me and let us start again

                           let's click the resort button and live happily but you're gone

                                       gone into the wind and into the sky 

                                                 pls gods keep him 



sorry it short and i when dead for weeks i didn't have wifi 

I'll update bombs away Saturday or Sunday if i can

and again sorry kits

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