~ Chapter 6 ~

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Jungkook's pov

I went downstairs and y/n was eating breakfast. Without a second thought i said "let's go"
'I seriously have no idea why i said that
Is she gonna come with me?
I can't take her with me.i mean NO'

I have to say something I've been standing here for like a minute without uttering a single word.
"Uh....let's go my backpack, where were you all day?"
I spoke to my bag like an idiot to avoid anything that was gonna happen.

Thank God she didn't follow me.
But then there was my mom"Sweetheart can you drop me on your way"
"Yea mom get in"
"He said ok now come on!" She screamed and y/n was heading towards me.

"MOM, i told i would drop you, and by that i meant YOU only You". She smiled at me "Its ok honey just this once....please.....for mommy?" after a few minutes of stillness
It was a very silent ride

I dropped her few blocks before so that no one notices her with me. She walked half the way.

V's pov

I came early to school to complete the project but i don't feel like doing it. So lemme just relax here for sometime.

~time skip~ (after 20 minutes)

I walk slowly to the library and saw Maya dozed off by the laptop. I peeked to see that she has completed the project all by her own.

"Pfft...nerd. I could complete all my projects this way. I better hold onto her" I said as i was viewing the monitor.

Maya's pov

Its already 7.45 and the classes start at 8.00 but where is this guy.
"it'll get too late if i wait for him, lemme just finish it myself"

After a minute or two i dozed off by the laptop, then i heard someone speaking,

I slightly opened my eyes to find V, but he didn't notice me as he was focused on the monitor.

'What the hell? Do i look like a nerd to him? What does he think of me? What am I a trash for him to use?'

He left for his classes and i rushed to my class pulled y/n to the rooftop and told her everything and she was like "tch..boys are all the same, aren't they? Don't worry my friend we will get our revenge on them"
We left to class

~time skip~

Your pov

It was lunch bell
Maya and i were seated in our everyday table. Just then V came to start his drama to get close to Maya just so he could use her. I can see Maya was annoyed with his presence. I gotta do something

I slammed my hand on the table
"Could you just leave her alone, don't you dare come near her again, YOU HEARD IT!!" I screamed making the whole cafeteria look at us. I saw him embarrassed by what just happened and left.

Maya sat there quietly, "hey are you ok?" She smiled and said "i never knew i was friends with a badass" After few minutes Maya excused herself to the restroom.

That was when i saw Jimin sitting alone, i seated myself near him for company.
"Hi Jimin, why are you alone? Where are your friends?"
"Um they have gone to their classes"
"And why didn't you go?"
"I just wanted to have some time alone"
"Oh then i think i came at the wrong time"
"No no just sit, it started to get boring"

We were talking talking and talking. It was like we became so close after a good conversation.

"Hey what about your parents? You have never mentioned them before." That's when i saw a frown on his face.
"Im sorry i shouldn't have asked"
"Its ok, its not like they are dead but i don't know anything about them" He said as he faintly smiled
"Like they left you?" 'Oh shit what am i doing?' "Oh sorry" I said after realizing my stupid question.
"But i still love them and i hope i get to see them one day" He replied
"So what are their names?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Its PARK Y/F/N and PARK Y/M/N"

Author's note
For those who don't know what y/n, y/f/n and y/m/n...
Y/n - your name
Y/f/n - your father's name
Y/m/n - your mother's name

Written on: 09.04.19

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