Chapter 2

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The teacher started talking things I would hardly care about.At last school ended.I saw Jack.I tried to get near him.When I did so he glare at me and pushed me down the floor and said "Sorry".His words were heartless and mean.I walked away and decide to write a note or something then slip in his desk.I wrote "Meet me at the roof."It was lunch I took that time and slip it into his desk.He was at the cafeteria.

When I came back from lunch he glanced at what was in his desk.It was a that note said "Meet me at the roof." I decide to go to the roof and see who wrote this and why.When I went up there,it was that girl I pushed down.I went up there and asked "So why you bring me up here?!" Trying to sound pissed off.

She answered sounding so monotone "I didn't bring you up here.You decide to came up here yourself."

Okay.I was about to rage and leave.Also glared at her when I was leaving.

No....Why?Why am I getting glared at yet again?No!It was the only choice.Don't blame me....Forgive me.Try to understand I was only doing that for your sake.Who's sake?Who was I doing it for?Myself?No.Just stop glaring at me.Stop it please!Just stop!

She collapsed and I didn't know what I should do.Leave her and go to classes.Or take her to the nurse..She's a cruel girl.I should just leave her here.

"Oh my.....!Isn't that Jack?He's carrying that cruel woman on his back..." A Girl said,looking at me shocked.

Okay.I'm not that cruel to leave a girl up there and might get a cold...The reputation I worked up so hard is going to go down to the drain.I sighed and the bell ring.Students scurry to their classroom and was all looking at me terrified and scared but mostly were shocked.I finally got to the nurse office.

The nurse teacher,Ella asked me "What you doing here?"

"Well,is this girl okay?" I asked instead of answering her question and put the cruel girl on the bed.

"She's fine.Only passed out."

"Hmm...Then bye."

"Oh yeah here."

She gave me a note probably about telling my teacher about why I was late to class.I left.

I woke up.Remembering what happened.I expected myself to be on the roof.Instead found myself on a bed at the nurse office.

I asked the nurse "What happened?"

She told me "Jack brought you in here."

"Oh." Does that mean he cares about me...? I felt a blush forming on my face.I hold tightly on the blanket covers .I fail..the task I was supposed to do.I was to kill him.That's right...Only true love happens if you killed the person you love.

I have to do it...Its for protecting this girl heart.That's right.This isn't my body.This isn't me.This is somebody elses.I'm borrowing it,living in it.


That's all.Well in this chapter...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2014 ⏰

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