☁️🌙 Orchids - Zane~Chan Flower Shop x Tattoo Shop Owners AU

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{lmao this is from my aphmau amino omgggg this is probably hella cringy aaaa. the next couple chapters are probably gonna be stuff off of my amino bc they're already done lol.}


     Magnolias...lilies...oh my. Kawaii~Chan had everything she needed for her arrangement commissions today...except hydrangeas.

     Well this simply wouldn't do. She needed more, but she already had so many arrangements to work on today. She didn't have time to go pick up anything. Great. Just fabulous. Now what was she supposed to-
    "Kawaii~Chan, did I leave any of my ink over here yesterday? I'm out."
     At the sound of her name, KC turned around and emerged from the small room in the back of her shop.
     The person who called her name was none other than Zane Ro'Meave, a tall, thin, man with raven hair, and a personal friend of Kawaii~Chan's. His icy blue eyes glittered in the light. He gently rolled his sleeves up, revealing his tattoo sleeves.
     He walked over to the counter as the pink haired girl opened her mouth to speak.
    "Nope, I don't think so," she replied, blushing and smiling at her unlikely friend.
     "Well, damn. It's fine. I'll go out and get some more," Zane blushed under his mask slightly, "Do you need me to get you anything?"
     KC's eyes lit up at the blue eyed boy's offer. "Actually, I do! Could you pick up a bouquet of hydrangeas? In pink, of course."
    Zane leaned his side up against the counter and put one hand on his hip and rested his head on the other colorful arm. "Missing some for another arrangement?" he inquired.
     "Yeah, I am. I forgot to pick some up this morning before work. I was running late," KC blushed in embarrassment and looked at the white tiled ground.
     The Ro'Meave son smiled under his black scarf and his eyes softened. He hadn't been very good friends with Kawaii~Chan in the past, but when the two bought property next to each other to start up their own businesses, they became closer. Their mutual friend Aphmau insisted the two became friends, and Zane and KC started talking. The two had more in common then anyone would think.
      "Silly. You need to wake up earlier. Yeah, sure, I'll go pick some up for you." Who would have thought--a florist and a tattoo artist turning out to be best friends?
     "Thank you so much Zane~kun!!!" The meif'wa girl ran out from the counter and threw her slim arms around her taller companion, engulfing him in a warm hug.
      Heat rose to Zane's cheeks and he stuttered out a "I-it's no p-p-problem, really, Ka-Kawaii~Chan...".


      Kawaii~Chan was just putting the final touches on an arrangement when the bell over the shop door tinkled and the glass door swung open.
     KC looked up from behind her counter to see Zane standing in the doorway with a bouquet of pink hydrangeas--as requested-- and a plastic pot in the other hand.
     "Here you go, and, um, a little something extra...just for you," on the counter, Zane carefully placed the hydrangeas and the pot.
     Kawaii~Chan looked up at the pot. He had bought her a pale pink orchid. This wasn't like Zane, to be so generous...this was so out of the blue, as well.
     "Zane, it's beautiful. Thank you so much!"
     "What no 'Zane~kun'?" He asked.
     "What do you..." KC stopped herself, realizing that she had indeed forgotten the honorific. "Oh, I didn't add it, did I? I guess I just felt comfortable enough around you to just call you 'Zane'. Sorry, did you not like it?"
     The black haired boy was taken aback by this. Why would he not like it? It actually made him feel as if they were closer. He liked just being called Zane by her.
     It rolled off her tongue nicely. It gave him a fluttery feeling in his stomach, and made him red in the face. He really liked it.
      Then he realized that he hadn't replied. He looked to Kawaii~Chan, who looked pink faced and nervous.
     "No, no! I liked it, I was just curious. I actually wouldn't mind if you didn't use the suffix all the time."
          Wait, why did he say that?!
      "Ah, okay. If it makes you comfortable I won't use it anymore."
     Zane turned pink again.
     "Really though, thank you again for the orchid. It's so pretty." KC continued.
     Zane started getting those butterflies in his tummy again. "No problem, really. It just made me think of you is all."
          What was he saying?!
     "Well, I gotta open up the parlor now. You're welcome KC. See ya later!" Zane nearly bolted out of the flower shop. He was blushing like a mad man by the time he mad it next door. His hands were shaking and his stomach was queasy. Why did she have to make him so nervous?!

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