A b o u t

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"You know, perfection comes with a price," he said, hard gaze focused on the burning balls of gas in the sky as let a cloud of blue smoke creep lazily from his mouth.

"Yeah, and what's that?" you asked, orbs flooded in awe at the man who was so willing to stand against the world. He could stand on the very edge of it and yet have no ounce of fear in his soul that would scream for him to step off.

He'd simply jump off on his own free will.

His hard gaze whipped in your direction, sharp and cunning like the fox he was.

"Your sanity."

S u m m a r y

Perfection. It is what so many of us strive and work for during our lifetime. To reach perfection is to reach the pinnacle of human existence. Sometimes, we think it is the only reason that we continue to live. But in reality, striving for it is what makes us forget how to live.

Y/N has never really felt like she's ever had a purpose in her life. Everyone has some special talent or interest that sets them apart from the rest, but in Y/N's case, she's never felt like she had anything to work towards. Or rather, she didn't want to. She was a coward, someone who wasn't really open to venturing out for themselves and working for something. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, however, in her eyes. She saw how working towards something you could never achieve worked out for her mother and, ultimately, her family. She never wanted to  go down that road herself. Instead, she chose to find solace in K-pop, k-drama, the Korean language and culture. Why be perfect when she could indulge in a culture that personified themselves by trying to be it?

But spectating perfection is so much different than being thrust into it. After being offered an attractive job that will provide pay to help support him and his two daughters, Y/N's father packs the family up to move Korea and where they will be able to live substantially and start off with a clean slate.

Unfamiliarity settles in quick for them, especially Y/N, who never thought she'd be in a scenario where she had to become like the culture she always admired through a screen and extensive internet research. She tries to hold on to the picture perfect image that she has set up for something that she has become obsessed and engulfed in, but one boy changes everything when he takes a sledgehammer and shatters all those fragile perceptions.

But surprisingly, Y/N feels enlightened and freed by these images. Helping her realize the imperfections in these fragile images that she has created in her mind, he grows to be a heavy influence on how Y/N begins to think, act, and speak in her new environment.

But as time passes, the boy only gets stranger, and dare she say, more sinister. His denouncement for society and perception only get more radical and outrageous as the days pass, and Y/N begins to wonder his true nature towards the topic. And Y/N begins to question:

Who's really in the wrong:  the act of perfection or the way we react to it? 

Or, are we all wrong in our own right?

N o t e

This is a FIRST DRAFT. Nothing in here is prone from mistakes. Grammar, spelling, plot holes, you know, all of that good stuff will be all over this book. I won't actually go back and edit it until this story is actually finished and every chapter has been published. So please, like I've said in notes before, don't comment or whine about mistakes I've made in the story. I'm human, and it only makes sense that I make some mistakes here and there.

Lastly, just because I'm writing about the bts members, doesn't mean they'll be exactly like they are in real life. You will be frustrated at times with the members, but don't make it your mission to hate them in real life.

W a r n i n g

Drug and alcohol usage

Sexual content

Strong use of crude language

Violent themes

Gruesome themes

C o p y r i g h t s

Copyright ©️ 2021 by ramenbites

This book is a pure work of fiction. The names of some characters belong to BTS. All other characters are works of the author's imagination. Any other characters, places, and events are products of the author's imagination and any of them that may seem of relation to real world equivalents should not be deemed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever without written permission given by the author.


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