Chapter One

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   June 10, 2000 was the day that I found out I was a hemophiliac. It was night time and my best friend Cara and I just went for a tiny swim in the lake nearby, harmless. Until I scraped my foot on a rock. Before then, I had never gotten a scratch on me but at that moment, I wouldn't stop bleeding for the tiny scratch on my heel. And the bleeding didn't stop until I was in the hospital an hour later hooked up to all sorts of machines. Mom and Dad were flipping out and my older brother Johnathan dropped out of college to take care of me since mom and dad were never home. It was a catastrophe for all if us. And now, here I am, now here I am, 14 years later, going through another stupid lecture from my parents about being safe all day and when I get home. Someone please give me a paper cut.

  "So what aren't you allowed to do at school?" Mom asks condescendingly.

  "No touching other people, no touching the animals in Mr. Hudson's room, keep my sleeves down and gloves on at all times blah blah blah," I drone. Mom gives me an annoyed look and I'm off to school in my stupid clothes.

  I'm probably the laughing stock of the whole school. I come to school in sweaters and jeans all the time and always wear gloves. Not exactly a huge fashion statement. To make of worse, I'm not even pretty. If I were attractive, maybe I would kind of pull it off. Strawberry blonde hair and pale sickly looking skin don't help my case. I wait for the bus to come, trying not to think about the daily insults today.

  The bus pulls up tight when I start having a panic attack. I walk up the stairs, careful not to scuff up my shoes.

  The thing I'm met with is a pair of perfect green eyes just....staring at me. Not just staring but almost probing. Trying to memorize me. It seriously freaks me out and I feel my face turn pink. This is bad. To make it even worse, the only person not sitting two to a seat is him.

   I hesitantly sit down and can't help but fidget. I look over and he's still staring at me. I fix my hair and try to hide my face and then...I feel fingers by my cheek as he twists the piece of hair around his finger and puts it behind my ear.

  "Your eyes are too pretty to hide," he says, making my insides twist. I feel my face turning ref and he chuckles.

  He has a huge mass of golden blonde curls and tanned skin. His eyes are dark, pine tree green but the one thing that stands out about him are his freckles. He mist have millions of them covering his body, clusters of them forming tiny constellations on his skin. And he seems....genuine. He's not just playing nice. He's....different.

AN: hey everyone! So I was in the hospital for a while! Not super fun, haha. I hope you guys like this!!! Thanks for following!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2014 ⏰

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