Moonlight and Sunrise

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It has been a few weeks since they finished filming The Inn.

Dylan's birthday is coming and XiZi and XiZe are planning to have a private party for him. When they told Di about it, he was adamant at first but ended up agreeing to it but they need to make sure Yue would be there or else everything will be canceled.

"Hey, try to check with her manager what would be her schedule on the 22nd, so we can plan this party already.", Xizi told Xize about it so he called her Manager and was able to confirm that she'd be free after lunch on that day.

"Well, that's great news!"

"I'll send the invites to everyone now!"

Almost everyone already confirmed that they'd be coming.

"Hey, Yue, have you read the email I sent?", Xize asked.

"Nope, why? What is it? Spill it now."

"Okay then, we're planning to have a birthday party for Dylan on the 22nd, are you coming? I mean it would be great if you'd be there, Dylan would be very happy."

"Ohh, hmmm..."

"Why? Ey, I already checked your schedule that time with Jie, she said you'd be available lunch afterward on that day!"

"I actually have to meet someone that day. I'm not sure if I can come."

"Can you at least try? For Dylan."

"Okay, I'll see on it."

"Thanks, Yue, you're the best!!"

On the 21st, everyone sent their birthday greetings and wishes to Dylan either in public or in private messages.

Excited for tomorrow's party and the thought that he'd be seeing her, he dialed her number.

"Hey, you are coming tomorrow, right?"

"Huh? Where?"

"To.. the party. To my party. You're coming, right?", Dylan's voice seems a bit lost.

"Uhmmmm, yeah sure, sure! I'll be there!"

"Wow, just for a second I thought you're not coming! See you tomorrow, my Moon."

Yue actually had a plan for a dinner date tomorrow night with QiMing so she is not sure what she needs to do. She wanted to be there since most of her MG friends would be there and she misses them but most especially because it was HIS birthday party. She already said yes to this dinner with QiMing 3 weeks ago as he has been bugging her to go out and have dinner with him since she was back from Arxan.

Her head started to hurt so she tries to massage her temple but to no avail.

It was Dylan's birthday today.

Everyone has already prepared everything; XiZe already reminded everyone who is invited not to be late.

Yue is still not decided whether she'll go to Dylan's party or go ahead with the dinner date QiMing arranged for the two of them.

Dylan is obviously agitated, "Do you really think she'd come? I mean, she is a busy person, you know? Photo shoots, endorsements then filming here and there."

XiZe is already on the frustrated side because of Dylan's lack of confidence. "She WILL, I mean she SHOULD come, okay?!"

On the other side, Kuan is just lazily observing everyone but checks on his phone from time to time.

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