Meteor Necklace

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The cast and crew of Meteor Garden 2018 celebrated Kang and Kuan's birthday respectively, XiZe and JiaQi are getting closer by the day as they film more scenes together. Dylan and Yue are no longer awkward with each other, they bicker and wrestle when time permits or if they bully each other, but that is mostly Dylan.

Before that Dylan did some research about Shen Yue, he learned that her name was actually dragged into his formal male lead when the guy was under fire with a scandal and for saying Yue is an 'unattractive girl'.

Unattractive? Average? Is that guy fucking serious? Then was does attractive look to him? The one that twerks on you or would wear sexy clothes just to get your attention? He is seriously blind. How can he not see that Yue has the most beautiful eyes especially when she smiles? Also, her personality is very likable. This guy is nuts!III Well, at least Yue won't have to work with him anymore. Dylan thought about the scandal.


"Can you please take care of yourself a little bit? And if you can try telling me that you are feeling well so I can at least do something or tell the crew about it? Why do you always have to make me worry about you? It is not healthy for me, Miss Shen Yue.", Dylan rants to Shen Yue after she fainted on the set while shooting some scenes. Everyone panicked about it and Yue was immediately taken to the hospital and was adviced not to exhaust her self too much."I'm sorry, it will not happen again.", Yue apologize and becomes sad about it, so Dylan pinches her cheeks and said, "Cheer up little idiot. I need to see your smile so I can focus on my scenes today, hmm?". Yue gave him the purest and brightest smile she can possibly give him and with that, it's as if Dylan was rejuvenated and had lots of energy that day.

About a month ago, Dylan heard that the crew were planning to get the meteor necklace. They already had a sponsor for it but still struggling with the design. And so Dylan approached Angie about it. "Miss Angie Chai, can I have spare time with you? I would just like to ask something?", Dylan asked and so Angie nodded and asked him what that is. "I heard that you are still trying to get a design for the necklace? Is it okay if I would design it for the drama? I mean, Shen Yue would probably keep it since it was sponsored, right? So it would be like personalized for her by me." Angie thought about it and said, "That was a great idea then, okay I will give you a chance. Give me the design you would come up to 1 week from now and if we like it then we'll use it. Deal?". Dylan answered her with a nod along with a grin and a thumbs up. Angie just thought that the boy was a bit silly to ask her about it that made her a bit suspicious what is really happening.

Angie received the design from Dylan 3 days after they talked and she was amazed by how he designed it and explained why de choose that design. She liked it very much that then and there she decided to use the design from Dylan and sent it to the sponsor so they can make the necklace in time for the date they will shoot the scene.

A few days later, Dylan was already agitated what gif should he give to Yue. He wanted it to be a very personal gift but had no idea what to get. Then his friend shared a photo of him and his girlfriend a Miley Cyrus hoodie, like a couple hoodie. Then he remembered that he loved his same design hoodie so he decided to give her one.


February 27, 2018 -- Shen Yue's 21 Birthday

They held a simple birthday party for Yue and everyone was able to give her a gift. Dylan gave her the gift and even asked her out for a dinner to treat her but she declined his offer saying she has something important to do.

Well, maybe it is important, I guess. Dylan thought to himself.

A few days later, they arrived at the filming set where it is supposed to be snowing. Since the two of them have more scenes to shoot, the others head back first. They went back together and even bought white t-shirts in a store. This was seen by a lot of fans that took picture and video of them together. Walking, chatting and laughing pictures of them were all over Weibo and people started to 'ship' them, calling them DiYue or DyShen, based on their names.

As the day goes by that they are together, Dylan's growing crush on Yue has become more evident to him that he always wants her attention that he would bully or piss her off. He is happy that Yue has such a cool personality that she doesn't take it badly if he would push or wrestle her. Everyone around them was already noticing this but they would just stare or look at them with curious looks.

The day where they are done filming every scene in China has come. Everyone was thankful for the efforts but Yue, Dylan, and Darren still have scenes to film in London.

Kuan was done filming all his solo scenes along with scenes he has with the two leads and a realization comes to his mind. I told you so. I was right. Haha. Kuan smile at his thought.

Dylan and Yue were about to shoot a date scene in London after a heart-wrenching break-up scene in a Chinese restaurant where they met the 2001 Dong ShanCai's mother and now plays the role of a restaurant owner where AhSi usually eats when he is in London.

The Director instruct them to be just themselves, the playful and bickering buddies but in a sweeter version.

In one of the scene, Dylan kissed Yue's forehead which startled her a bit but didn't show it so in revenge she took his wallet in his own pocket and use his own money to buy her self a snack. The crew teased them that they really look like a real couple and Yue was the demanding girlfriend and Dylan was the hen-pecked boyfriend who just allows his girlfriend to do anything even takes his own money.

The two just laugh it off but Dylan's smile means something else.


She's the drug I never expected to get addicted to.

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