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Alessandra's POV

We left the cafe a little early. Early as in before the order even came. I didn't have an appetite and he didn't feel like sitting I guess. We came to a compromise that I would stay for his match against Colombia, and then I'm going back to California.

Walking into the house, there's a stark difference in activity compared to this morning. I can hear the laughter and the talking from the back. Davi runs up to us, hugging both of our legs. "Hi, Davi." I say quietly bending over and kissing his forehead. Neymar picks him up, and gives him a giant bear hug. I go to the patio, where everyone else is, waving with a small smile. I sit down on one of the couches, leaning my head against the pillows.

"Hiii Ali." Rafaella says loudly. I laugh a little, "Hi." She plops down next to me, "So, where'd you guys gooooo?" She asks, eyebrow raised. I look around at the suddenly silent group. I sigh inwardly, "We just went to that little place on the beach." I glance at her to see if she's satisfied, and she bobs her head, "And?" she prods. "That's all, Rafael." Neymar interrupts, coming on to the patio with Davi. He sits down on the other side of me, and Davi scrambles off his lap. "You okay?" He asks quietly. "Yeah I'm fine." I mumble, leaning my head on his shoulder. He grunts. I glance up at him, and he raises an eyebrow. "I think I'm gonna go to Estefani's." I say, and stand up. He stands up with me, "How long are you gonna be there?" I shrug, "A couple hours at the most." He looks away, biting his lip, "Alright I'll drop you off." I shake my head, "I'll just call a taxi." He doesn't respond, just leads me back into the house, hand on the small of my back. "What time do you want me to pick you up?" He asks. "You have a match tomorrow you should rest." I say quietly. "Eleven sounds good." I sigh, "Neymar, someone will drop me back off!" I exclaim. "So you'll call me when you're ready?" He asks, opening the truck door. "Ney, I'm serious." I mumble. "So am I. Just call when you're done, okay?" He gestures for me to get into the car and I relent, climbing into the truck.

"Honestly, Sandra, what's wrong?" He asks, taking my hand. I look at our intertwined hands, before looking out of the window, "Nothing. Honestly." He sighs, "San I want you to be honest with me again, okay? I miss that, really, to just be able to talk to you without any reservations." He says, keeping direct eye contact with me. I look at my lap before nodding, "Okay." "So, what's wrong?" He asks again. "Just.. I'm just tired." I lie quietly, avoiding eye contact with him. He doesn't respond, and I know he doesn't believe me, but his grip on my hand tightens, and I sigh quietly.

Yeah, but I think I am tired. Tired of my hastiness in leaving last year. Tired of my refusal to reconcile. Tired of still missing him even though he's right here. Tired of loving him and not being able to do a thing about it. Tears brim my eyes. I'm so tired.

The ride is quiet and slow, seeming to go on forever. We finally pull up in front of my former home, and I jump out almost immediately. Before I can escape without saying goodbye, Neymar meets me in front of the car. He hugs me tightly, and I actually hug him back, holding on for dear life.

I know I won't be able to forever.

The hug is long, my face resting on his chest and his in the crook of my neck. He pulls back, and kisses my temple. He looks at me, and wipes a tear I didn't know had fallen. "It's okay. We'll talk about it when we get home." He says, implying that his house is my home too. I shake my head, "Neymar-" "I know what I just said," He interrupts, thumb stroking my cheek, "And I meant it in every way." He says firmly. I stare at my shoes, shaking my head. "Alessandra," I look up at him, and he kisses my cheek, dangerously close to my lips, "I'll see you later."

I walk up to the house and open the unlocked door, walking into complete chaos. My smaller cousins run all over the house, giggling and playing. To put it shortly, Estefani has about ten children, not including my sister and I. She's a great mother though, and everything is well organized and in order even if it doesn't seem that way.

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