Part 2: Is it as perfect as before?

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 First day at school, first time away from parents, all alone, somewhere you don't know,with people you have never seen before...Sound familiar? Well, they drop you off there and of course you start crying and wanting your parents back. But that kinda lasts for a couple of hours. Soon enough you will find yourself around other small humans, playing games and laughing and pretty much forgetting the need the for the parents. You learn to communicate with others, socialise, maybe have your first crush. That beautiful girl with diapers at table 4... But, parents, they do things you do not know. Like, standing over the fence checking if you are going to stop crying, calling the teacher to see if everything is fine. Just to make sure you are in good hands.

Then the time comes, you are back home, kinda mad that they left you there, but also cool cause of the diaper girl, mixed feelings. And that happens again and again. Time goes by so fast you do not even notice it. You are old enough now to go alone to school,hang out with friends, life's good. My father, a psychiatrist, he really taught me to do stuff on my own. When ever the house had a problem, Ishould be the one calling the technician. I found it stupid at that time. I mean, why? Imagine a junior high school kid, telling you "We have a problem, when can you come to fix it, how much is going to cost.."Ridiculous. He send me to the bank to pay bills, he gave responsibilities, that I though they were to much, i remember always complaining to my friends about it, and they always found too much as well.. We had good moments too.. he talked to me about his college years in Italy. Long long time ago. I remember he once told me, "It was so cold, and no money, i used the oven to heat my legs while studing" That was tough.. And me, every time i got to study some pages more i get crazy over it inside my warm, cozy room. I got endless stories to say, he saved many lifes in his career as a doctor, i always admired him for that. That is why i am in med school right now. Saving people, help them to leave long enough to enjoy the company of their family.. Only the feeling is just rewarding for me.

When i finished high school, and it was time for me to enroll to the university, my father said "You can go on your own, me and your mother are working so we will visit you later in a couple of months" And that s how it happened. All by myself, got onto the plane, flew over a different country,found an apartment, enroll to uni. That was the time when i appreciated the responsibilities my father threw on me, they made me responsible, taught me to communicate with people, fear noone. Every time i say that everybody is getting crazy that a 18 y-o flew alone to a different country... But you cannot really avoid it right? Some day, you gotta go alone

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