Part 9

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He continued to kiss me pationatly on his bed. Rye was always very dominant during sex but this time he was a lot more dominant and he seemed mad.
After we had sex, we were laying down on his bed.
Sophia:"Babe is everything ok?" I asked and turned to face him.
Sophia:"You seem off today."
Rye:"off? What so you didn't have fun?"
He asked not making eye contact with me.
Sophia:"No, it was fun but-"
He cut me off.
Rye:"but what?" He said as he gave me a look.
Sophia:"Nothing just seems like you're trying to distract yourself from something that's all."
*Rye's POV* *Morning*
I barely slept all night, I don't know why. Sophia stayed the night and we heard the boys coming home pretty late last night.
I got up from the bed trying not to wake up Sophia. I put a shirt on and I was in my boxers, went into my bathroom, brushed my teeth and when I got out Sophia was dressing up.
Sophia:"Good morning." She said and came over to kiss me, she deepened the kiss so I stopped it.
Rye:"I really need to get ready, we're heading out in like an hour to write some music with Oliver at his house." I explained as I picked some jeans to wear from my dresser.
Sophia:"Oh. Ok I'm gonna make myself a cup of tea." she said whilst opening the door.
Rye:"Make me one?"
*15 minutes later*
I was ready to leave so I went to the Mindy room where I thought everyone would be but it was just Sophia and Andy talking in the kitchen whilst drinking their tea.
Sophia:"Here you go babe." she handed me the cup of tea that she made me.
Rye:"Where is everyone? Aren't we going to Oliver's place?" I asked Andy while I drank my tea.
Andy:"Yeah Brook and Jack are in their room getting ready and Mikey will meet us there because he slept at Charlotte's house." He explained.
I nodded and kept drinking my tea.
Sophia:"ok I'm gonna go now. Seems like you'll be busy today."
Sophia: "So no date like you said?"
She looked at me and I looked at Andy.
Rye:"ill talk to you later to tell you when I pick you up."
Sophia:"ok." she gave me a quick peck on the lips, put her mug down on the counter and left.
Jack and brook were ready to leave so we did.

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