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-Hyuk: Castiel, I'm returning to Earth!
-Castiel: I can't understand why are you working this hard, it's not going to happen anything...
-Hyuk: I'm gonna see Jihyo, that's enough for me! (smiles)
-Castiel: Gosh...

I went to the Earth and visit Jihyo again, finally she's able recognize me...
-Jihyo: You came huh?
-Hyuk: Of course, what would I do all alone at heaven?
-Jihyo: You don't have friends up there?
-Hyuk: I have Castiel, he's another angel... But he's more like an older brother...
-Jihyo: Oh...
-Hyuk: Well, for now focus on the lesson, if not they will think that you are crazy talking alone...
-Jihyo: Oh yeah, they can't see you...
-Hyuk: How sad, I really wanted to play some more with Taehyun and so...
-Jihyo: Hey, I started seeing you again when I touched you, maybe if he touches you, he'll be able to see you also...
-Hyuk: Maybe, let's try at the breakfast time...
-Jihyo: Okay!

While she was focused on the lesson I decided to have a walk... Soon the bell ringed, so it was time for a break...

-Jihyo: Girls you can go without me, today I'm gonna talk with Taehyun about something... (smiles)
-Sana: Why?
-Jihyo: You wouldn't understand it...
-Nayeon: Geez... Weird...

I ignored them and started looking for Hyuk, where is him? Didn't he tell me that he was always looking at me? So where's him?
-Taehyun: You wanted to talk with me, right?
-Jihyo: Yeah, just wait here a bit...

Where are you Hyuk? We said that we would try this...

While I was walking the bell ringed and I was going for Jihyo when I feel how something grabbed me, and I don't know where I am right now...
-Hyuk: Castiel! Castiel! Did you bring me here?! Hey, where I am?!

I keep on screaming for about what I think around 10 minutes...

-Taehyun: Jihyo, I'm wasting my time here with this no sense thing... So if you excuse me...
-Jihyo: Wait! You have to know about Kim Hyuk...
-Taehyun: Who's that person?

-Jihyo: (sighs) He's your friend, but you don't remember him

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-Jihyo: (sighs) He's your friend, but you don't remember him...
-Taehyun: How would I forget a friend?
-Jihyo: It's the truth!
-Taehyun: I think you are going crazy miss president, I recommend you to have a break and relax... I'm leaving... (leaves)

How could he dare? I'm telling the truth! Hyuk it's not part of my imagination... I'm sure of it!

No one answers me during a long time until an old man appears en front of me...
-Hyuk: Who are you? Where I am? Return me to where I was!
-???: You should have some more respect to the hell's king...
-Hyuk: Huh? Why am I at hell?
-King: You made a big mistake as an angel, and after all I'm the biggest fallen angel in charge to punish the ones like you...
-Hyuk: And could you explain me why do you think I made a mistake?
-King: Because you interacted with a human while you are an angel, you had to respect the rule...
-Hyuk: You can't have me here...
-King: Of course I can, and just to inform you... From now on, you'll be a demon... So look, your wings disappeared and now you have horns...

CHAINED ANGEL- Jihyo x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now