The Preperations

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Four days, that was all the time they had to prepare themself for the forest. Each one of them had a special task to do. Perona was the one who had to get any kind of weapon they could get, in case it really was a monster they had to face. Hogback got the task to get as much food as possible, the forest was huge and they would probably walk for hours, even though they lived on an island, the forest took ninety-five percent of the whole area. The task of Absalom was, to get as many clothes, matches to make fire, and to get three tents so they could rest in the night. At the second day, Perona already got three weapons, one for each of them. She got two hunting rifles and a machete, not on a legal way but that didn't matter to her. Hogback himself was locked inside his house, his parents died two years ago so he was living alone. He was cooking many different foods, from a meat meal to vegan, he cooked everything. Absalom got six backpacks for them, just in case they wouldn't have enough space for the food and the weapons, and also many comfortable clothes, of course in sizes that would be fitting them. At the fourth and last day, they got eight weapons, two hunting rifles with at least two hundred bullets so each had one hundred bullets , three clean and sharp machetes and three pistols with at least one hundred and fivty bullets for each of them. Hogback made enough food for a whole school class trip that would three days, so they had enough food for weeks. Absalom on the other hand couldn't fit everything into the backpacks he bought, so he had to put away at least twenty meals. "We got it! We are finally ready to get into that god damn forest!" Hogback cheered, forgetting that there probably was a huge monster inside the mist of the forest. "How about we stay here over the night..?" Perona asked calmly, she had carried so many heavy weapons and bullets that she was exhausted. "Yeah, of course. We're the only ones who use the youth club so I bet we can sleep on the sofas." Absalom cheered too, he had also forgotten about the rumor. They all went to sleep after they got soft blankets, falling asleep as soon as the night was coming over the island.

A loud and scary scream was it, that waked up the whole village. Many villagers we're running out of their houses, to find out who, or what, was screaming like a banshee at twelve am. The answer was simple, and yet it was making the blood of each villager freeze. One of the villagers, an older lady, was carried into the forest by something indescribably, it looked like the pure evil, completely black, like the pure darkness itself. Perona and the other two ran out to the other villagers, just to see what was going on, as they saw the...thing take away the old lady. The monster made it's move, never before did it happen, that the villagers got kidnapped inside Horror. But, what if the thing wasn't really the monster? Was it possible, that something or someone was in control of that thing?

(Soooo here is the new chapter. Like last time, if you want to help me, tell me what should be better)

The Forest and the Castle of MistWhere stories live. Discover now