chapter 3

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Sometimes the person who you'd take the shot for is standing right behind the gun~phora

I wake up and feel like shit. The pain in my leg from the bullet when they caught me. I stumble over to the cells bars and get the guards to walk up to me.

Guard: what do you want scum

I point at the open leg wound.

Guard: I'll get a medic to look at it

I sit back down on my small little slab of metal coming out of the wall. I wait for about five minutes till the medic comes by.

Medic: has it been bleeding or just painful.

I hold up two fingers and he hands me a bottle of painkillers. I down two of them and put the bottle on the ground. I was almost about to fall back asleep until I heard the voice of my favorite person here.

Monika: good morning

I wave at her and sit up. She gets the guards to open my cell and she leads me to her room. We sit down and again would be wierd for people to sit in silence but I can't speak. She sits on my lap and snuggles up into my chest.

Monika: so are we a couple or no

I nod my head yes and she tightens her grip on me. We share a kiss and sit together. A knock at the door made her get up and awnser it. A guy with a scruffy hear of hair was at the door.

Monika: hey marius (jäger)

Marius: Monika I have a question, what is he doing here

He looked at me not even saying his question. I just stand up and hold my hand out to him

Marius: I don't shake hands with scum

I give him a thumbs up and sit back down. They talk while I try not to pull out a cigarette. I have a problem and I know it but what could I do. After what felt like forever they where done talking. Monika came back and sat on her bed.

Monika: how long have you gone without talking

I hold up ten fingers

Monika: ten years

I nod yes and she was in shock. She snapped out of it and pulled me close. She was all I ever wanted and more. It's something i never thought would happen but here I am. An intercom turned on and requested for IQ, zofia, twich, and thermite. I only know who IQ is. She was blank for a second before she grabed my arm and pulled me to the briefing room.

Harry: and why is he with you

Monika: could he come with us

Harry looked at me before pulling up the bomb in my necks detonator

Harry: you abandon or hurt my operators I'll have your head over the wall

I nod and he tells up about someone named ela was in the hands of the white mask. I was halfway asleep which could be said as half way awake, whatever I'm getting side tracked. I was almost asleep till Monika dragged me to my cell.

Monika: put on your gear and meet me in my room

I nod and give her a hug before she went to her room. I put on the gear and grab my gas grenades. I stop by the armory and grab my guns then head to Monikas room. I knock on the door and get the ok to come in. I enter and she's almost half naked like nothing from the waist up was nothing.

Monika: you've seen me naked before so I thought you wouldn't mind plus I didn't think you would be here this quick.

She finished getting dressed and putting on her gear. We walk to the armory and she grabs her guns.

Monika: you know you would be good friends with smoke. He works with what he calls 'toxic babes'

Got it, we where halfway to the helicopter before she gave me a quick kiss. I didn't do anything against it. She pulled her mask back up and we get to the helicopter.

Thermite: so do any of you have an idea about how to deal with this

Zofia: well we could start by getting him killed

She pointed at me, that bitch.

Twitch: sound like a start

Monika: what do you guys have against him

Zofia: he's a white mask, how do you not see he's nothing

I bet none of the know sign language so I want to fool with these clowns.

Y/N:{how about I gas out this helicopter, that would work}

Twitch: how about you don't

And I was wrong, dang it.

Zofia: what did he say

Twitch: that he could just gas the helicopter

Zofia was ready to hit me but Monika stepped in way and tried to sting this situation down.

Monika: can you so shut up, zofia don't start swinging because Y/N can set off a gas grenade and kill us all.

Thermite: I'm on side with Monika, just chill

I just sit back and get my phone out.

Monika: how did you get a phone in here, didn't they search you.

Y/N:{they didn't search me to the best}

Twitch: they didn't search him good

I play on my phone until Monika rested he head on my shoulder. You would think that I would be dead but every One else in the helicopter was asleep so I get to live. Wait, now that I say that it doesn't sound that good. Whatever I'm going to sleep.

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