Because I Can

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Chapter 5: Because I Can

“We’re in position.”

“Affirmative; continuing with the abduction”

“Target is an 18-year old brunette. Asian-Caucasian. Height at roughly five-feet, seven inches... average build…”

There was a brief intake of breathe.

“Target is in position.”


Alexis Lares

In a rich kid party in a rich kid house in a rich kid neighborhood

I sighed. I can’t believe they were able to convince me to attend this… party… if you could call it that.

This night’s theme is Masquerade, but it’s actually more of a free for all match making session where often times a girl gets drunk, finds up she’s pregnant tomorrow, and… Voila! Two families find a new corporate partner out of the dude’s moral obligation…

The statement above is a lie you gullible dumbass.

Well of course there are still adult chaperones around—but it doesn’t change the fact that some, but not all, end up engaged the next day because of a sex tape used for bribery or something. Oddly though, parents mostly see this as good news.

Parents are seriously screwed up these days… No more formal meet-ups or anything of the sort since most of us manage to avoid it and they’re often draggy. Today, it’s just this big fancy invitation-only booze party where person A fucks person B and the incident or possible following relationship being used by one against the other. (I didn’t specify the gender because not all of us rich kids are straight. Some are similarly bi-curious. But let’s face reality, shall we?)

Me? I’m the result of pre-marital sex stemming from too much tequila and margarita. Alexis Lares, nice meet you. I actually have a step sister already. But still, at the end of the day, corporate groups are still standing, I live in my penthouse with a housekeeper, and I have a monthly allowance of $10,000.

A few meters away from me, party animals were starting to vomit and fall unconscious from excessive alcohol intake. Medics were ready to assist in seconds.

Parents… they think of everything, don’t they? I rolled my eyes at no one in particular and raised my glass to my lips; only to find out it was already void of liquor. I needed a refill, though frankly I wasn’t really drinking as much to the point of idiotic drunkedness.

Either way, I had an otherworldly alcohol tolerance that was stronger than most guys my age, so I’ll be perfectly focused throughout the night.

I walked towards the outdoor bar where there were less people and escaped the cacophonic beating of music from the speakers in maxed-out volumes and flashing blue lights coming from mounted posts. Outside felt like another world: it was relatively quiet and completely free of bodies pressed together and locked in the dance of lust and seduction. Numerous paper lanterns and light flowing cloths were suspended above me, setting off an accommodating romantic atmosphere. The bushes and flowers at the sides were a mixture of the west and the orient, cut and arranged to visual perfection, and the grass under my feet was uniformly trimmed.

CaliberTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon