21 {end part 1}

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It was Seok Jin's last day.....

Jin walks into Jungkook's room and leaves a letter for Jeon Jungkook as he does with all the members.  Jungkook wakes up the same time he always does on a sunday and finds the letter on his side table. He picks it up and reads it.

  'Dear Jungkookie, meet me at the park at 12pm sharp no later, no earlier. Look for a big tree with pink petals on it that's where i'll be waiting for you. - Your handsome hyung Jin :)

Jungkook quickly looks at the time to see it was 10am, he quickly got up and got ready, he didn't want to be late as he knew Jin would punish him. On his way he pics up a sandwich as he forgot to have breakfast and quickly ate it, making sure he didn't choke this time. All the other members were sound asleep except Jin.

Jungkook reaches the park and finds the big tree Jin said in the letter but Jin was no where to be found

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Jungkook reaches the park and finds the big tree Jin said in the letter but Jin was no where to be found. Jungkook thought to himself confused, 'Where is he?'  Suddenly, Jungkook can see a figure standing by the tree, he immediately runs up to the figure and call out " JIN HYUNG!!! " As he gets closer to the figure his smile drops "Lee Jieun??.........."

"Jeon Jungkook??....."  She says as a small tear roll down her face "What are you doing here?" she asked politely.  Jungkook being put in an awkward conversation replied, "Umm Jin hyung told me to meet him here, he gave me a---" IU finishes off his sentence "...letter"  Jungkook suprised questioned, " Yeah how did you know?" Jieun raises up a white envelope and answers, "I got one too, i'm not sure why, we haven't spoken in a year.." Then there was an awkward silence. 

Jungkook finally said " There must be a reason why we both have been called here, right? Let me call him while you go look for him."  Jungkook calls Jin but he doesn't pick up 'dammit!' Jungkook calls out to notify Jieun " He doen't pick---" Jungkook got interupted when IU shouted, "Look what i found!" Jungkook rushes over to IU, "What is it?" Jieun replies, "It's another letter but this time it's assigned to both of us." Jungkook mutters to himself "Boy does he like letters." They both go reach for the letter that's attached to the tree. Their fingers touch and they make eye contact, Jungkook quickly removes his hand letting IU take the letter which leaves them both blushing red. "What does it say?" Jungkook says leaning over her shoulder to see, making Jieun very unconfortable. "It says..."

Dear  Lee Jieun & Jeon Jungkook,                                                                                                                                                                                                       I see you both made it in time, i'm glad. The both of you are my dear friends and i wanted to see you guys happy. I know this year has been rough but i also know that both of you have been in pain. Jieun you say you're fine but i could see the pain in your  eyes and i know you still love Jungkook, you may not show it but i heard everything from Park Jihoon. I knew you would of never told me so i asked Jihoon to update me on you and from what i heard you're love and pain never went. Jungkook my dear little makane i know you still love IU no matter how much you try to hide it, i always knew, you can't keep secrets from me. I've seen you secretly buy Jieun's new albulms, i see you watch her k-dramas, i saw the way you looked at her at the awards show but i always end up seeing you cry, crying after watching her and that pain kept growing. I know how much you've both missed each other and i know how much you love each other. Jungkook that day when Jieun was trying to 'hit Taehyung' it was all fake, it was an act for you to break up with her. IU thought it was the only way she could get you to break up with her but what she didn't know was that you were already going to break up with her. It was all a misunderstanding, so Jungkook please don't hate Jieun she was doing what was right and it backfired on her, forgive her, for my sake. Remember who you are to each other, you're each other's first kiss, each other's first love, each other's first soul mate! You love each other, so i'm telling you to get back together. That's my wish to you guys, please fulfill it. If you're thinking about the companies i've spoken to them. They said they'd rather see you happy than in pain, they said you could date but under one condition if you don't let each other distract you from you're work! If only we told from the start none of this would of never happened. So what do you think, i hope to see you both together by the time i come back ;) Until then, I love you both and hope to see you grow into better people, together.

                                                                                                                             Your Friend Seok Jin

P.S Jungkook don't break my promise!!!!

Jungkook was in tears but remembered to keep his promise so stopped crying. Jungkook was full of emotions, he didn't even no what to say. He couldn't believe it Jin just completley revealed the truth and he couldn't be more right. Jungkook felt a hand on his shoulder it was IU, "it's going to be okay." Jungkook went straight into Jieun's arms and felt himself in a warm hug. Fighting back tears he said, "I'm sorry."


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{ the chapter would've been longer but i ended up splitting it so it's easier to read :) }

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