these rules must be followed, otherwise there will be instant termination
1) follow - follow this account, don't worry, you'll also gain a follower! this helps with tagging and checking who's active
2) activity - activity is something that needs to be stressed, we're not saying to always be online, however vommenting on each and every chapter will secure them with some additional points
3) respect - everyone deserves respect, right? it's a natural thing! so respect us admins and your co-participants
4) patience - updates for a full episode will take a whole month to prepare as they will be split into roughly five parts, so we request that you are patient
5) enjoy - after all, this was low-key made for a joke so don't hate me ok thanks bye
produce 65 - open
De Todo65 is a nice number, lol i just like the number 65 yo its kai and howdy im haw yeeting you with another produce af for girls bcs why tf not ??? anyway dont let this flop ok bye