Playing With Fate- Frerard Oneshot

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Life was good for 18 year old vampire Gerard Way. He had a faithful boyfriend, Frank, and was a straight A student. Fate was kind to him, but only until the night of prom.

“Gee,” Frank called up the steps, “We’re going to be late!”

I shoved my black Converse on as I half ran, half tripped down the stairs. Frank was speechless,

“Wow.” He said in awe.

“It’s just a suit and tie, cheese ball, nothing too huge.”

“Well you rock a tux, baby.” He smirked as I ran off and hopped into his new 2012 yellow and black Camaro. He jumped in after me, started the engine, and took off with a loud screeching noise. Upon arriving at our school, Riley Jefferson High School, we realized all eyes were on us. Frank was in a stunningly bright red suit and white tie, and me in a black tux and a red tie. We exchanged hellos and pleasantries with the other couples around until I heard our song beginning to play in the gymnasium, starting off slowly and building up, the first track from the demo CD that Frank had promised not to give to the DJ. House of Wolves. It was the first song Frank and I had written, just him and I. Dancing slowly, happy in this moment we both shared, the song climaxed, and the floor was vibrating. Most of the people had dispersed form the dance floor, obviously now knowing what memories were played when this song was played.  Time passed and we were the only two dancing, the only people in the world. In that moment, my life was complete, Frank by my side and my voice singing in the background. Frank leaned in closer to me, his green eyes closed. Our lips touched, and the crowd whooped and whistled, the music seemed to get louder and louder, but I didn’t pay attention to any of that, it was just me and Frankie, sharing one sweet, sweet moment. Too bad it didn’t last as long as I wanted it to, because right then, the world ended.

                There was fire everywhere and loud explosions were coming from every direction. Someone was screaming in pain, and it took me a few seconds to realize it was me. Frank was hovering over me, calling my name while my voice pierced the chaos that was in the room. Pain rippled through my body, and my eyes shut.

                Sirens sounded, and someone was slapping my face. Hard.

“Gerard?!” Frank yelped, his face that of a scared child, “GeeBear can you hear me?”

“Frankie,” I croak weakly, “Is that you?”

“Yeah, Gee everything is gonna be ok, I promise.”

A deep voice invaded my mind,

“Don’t hide your true form from Frankie. He doesn’t deserve the lies.” I lifted my eyes to Frank, whispering,

“Would you do anything for me Fronkeh?” I mumbled.

“I’ll do anything Gee, anything at all.” He replied, tears streaming down his face.

“Would you walk away?” My voice quavered, “Would you leave me here to die?”

“No.” He replied firmly, “Anything but that.”

I struggled to speak as I stood,

“Frankie, please.”

 “B-But…..Your eyes!” He shrieked.

“What about them?” I wondered.

“They’re gold!” Oh no, this can’t be happening!

“What are you?” He said as I looked down ashamed. “TELL ME!”

“You just gotta roll the dice, Frankie. If I tell you, do you promise to leave me here to die?” His face showed mixed emotions, anger, sadness, and the most prominent one, curiosity.

“I can’t promise that.” He said.

“Well then you won’t ever know my secret.” I said as I slipped into the oblivion of death, never to return to my perfect life beside Frank Anthony Iero, my one love and true soul mate.                                                                     

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2012 ⏰

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