(no official name yet)

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Prologue:Split Surfaces

Long ago we humans once created 2 seperate forces, one magical and one technological. These 2 forces fell into our mortal code and we are forever cursed with these differences. To acquire one of both said forces you either needed to be born a magical being or be born one with no such fate. The one without any magical elements have been given the faith of a "Cyburns". Those born to become these Cyburns are given technological weapons and smarts. The magical ones are already equipped with their own set of weapons like the ability to generate fire from their very own hands or even with enough will can generate an entire storm. These types of people are called "Necroms". 600 years ago the 2 races lived in peace but then the Cyburns thought that it was not fair that they were not able to live happily knowing they did not have any real powers. They got envious and began to attack us Necroms and a war quickly brewed. Half of the world belongs to the Cyburns and half to Necroms. Cyburns trying to fight to destroy us taking the rest of what is left of the world and Necroms trying to fight to survive attacks and maybe one day get rid of the horrible Cyburns. 600 years later here I am. I was born as a Necrom, from a popular line actually. My grandfather was one of the strongest Necrom in history. He could create hurricanes and earthquakes as well as make trees form from the ground up, man I wish I was there to see it. I've had a rough life so far, my parents died 5 years ago when I was 10 but I still have my brother Trero and sister Airlynn, oh and by the way, my name is Aero. They are both some of the most powerful Necroms in our village, while I don't have much to offer. They are also twins and treat me okayish I guess, but they are 4 years older than me. I know that deep down they care about me... to an extent. We live in a nice little village called Cadan and me and my siblings are basically the ones in charge of this village, due in fact we are descendants of my grandfather, Dolruss . Not too far from here there is a huge tree that has lived through the whole war supposedly even before the war started. Under that tree is where my grandfather was buried, there a small shrine was created in his name with pictures of him ranging to when he was young to when he was old. Every time something happens or maybe I need inspiration or guidance or maybe my spirits are down I go there. I talk to my grandfather I know I can't hear him and maybe he can't hear me, but it always calms me down and made me be at peace with myself. But yeah this is my world one split by the war, I hope this ends someday even if I'm long dead by then.

Chapter 1: Full On Attack

"Aero let's go" Trero says pulling my pillow from my head. "We are gonna go out of the village for some resources". "Ugh this early again" I say slowly in a sleepy tone. "Oh stop bellyaching, Airlynn and I are wide awake and ready so hurry" "Alright just give me a few minutes". Since we are in charge of this village we have to go out for resources every now and then to support ourselves as well as the village. I leave the house Airline and Trero are there waiting for me "Ready" "Alright let's head out" Airlynn says confidently. We follow a narrow path into a large forest scary at first, but after going there for so many times it's nothing to fear. We get there and begin to search "Alright Trero you go and get wood and leaves Aero you go look for food I'll go get some bugs and herbs for potions" Airlynn commands. Trero sighs loudly "Wood duty again?" "I see I'm not the only 'bellyacher' today" I laugh, Trero growls, but before he could say anything Airlynn cuts him off "Trero will you stop acting like such a kid", I snicker . "You too shut up and get to what you are supposed to do" Airlynn says firmly "Ok" I say as I walk off to do my job. A couple of hours passed and we meet back at the entrance of the forest, we pile everything we have collected on the ground. Trero and i wait as Airlynn counts everything we have gathered. Out of nowhere Trero yells "Careful everyone get back" "What is it" I ask "A threat I can sense it. "Now!" Trero yells, a Cyburn jumps out of the thick trees "Stand back!" Trero creates a small transparent shield in front of his hand, it blocks the attack he pushes the shield forward as it breaks and knocks back the Cyburn, but has no effect due to the Cyburn activating his jetpack. Two other Cyburn swiftly take our resources and fly into the forest. "Aero quickly use your agility to catch them" Airlynn yells "Sure thing" I lock onto my target rush after them. "Those damn Cyburns" Airlynn says in an angry tone. "No point in chasing us you know" one of the Cyburns smirks. "Even if you catch us you'll die soon enough" says another. I don't say anything as I run, I get closer until eventually I managed to capture one of them and pin them onto the ground. "Oh so you caught me huh? non of that'll matter you know you and your people will be dead by tonight" the Cyburn says menacingly. "What are you talking about?!" "We will be preparing a full on attack nothing you can do anything about" "What?". The other 2 Cyburns come back and are aiming a laser at my head, but right before it shoots "EEEEEYAHH" Trero creates another shield this time with both his hands. A huge explosion occurs due to the collision and Trero and I get sent flying back and after all the smoke cleared the Cyburns were gone. "DAMMIT!" Trero yells. I cough "Where is Airlynn?", "She went to get the mercenary group of the village in a defense position just in case they attacked the village, but there is nothing left for us here now so let's go back". "HOW THE HELL DID YOU LOSE THEM!!!" Airlynn shouts "They had some weird Cyburn laser, they shot at us and the collision of the laser and Trero's shield made a huge explosion and they used the haze to escape". "Well we just lost a bunch of helpful resources and it seems the Cyburn found it so it is no longer safe to go there" Airlynn growls. "They told me about something that they are planning to do tonight" I say to her, she gives me a puzzled look. "They told me that everyone will die and that they are preparing a full on attack" "Why would they tell you something like that" she questions "I can't exactly say I know why" "well just in case we should prepare our mercenaries" "I agree". 

Chapter 2:The Boy Under The Tree(coming soon)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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