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"Jeonginie Hyunjin just called, he said they'll be here in about an hour." Minho said as he was walking into the bathroom to shower.
Ten minutes before the others got here Minho and Jeongin flipped there house upside down trying to find Jeongin dangly earring with the cute star on it.
"I FOUND IT." Jeongin said holding it up in the air.
After he put it on Minho's phone began ringing indicating that they were here.
"Bye mom I love you!" They both said at the same time.
"They go to school for one week and they're already acting all grown." Wendy said as she folded laundry.

"Are you guys down to go eat first, we haven't eaten anything yet."
"Sure we don't mind." Minho responded. They drove for about ten minutes while blasting music and singing along. When they made it to where they were going to eat Minho looked out the window and say it was on of those retro diners like the one's he saw at the movies and his face lit up with excitement.

They chose a booth to sit in and one of the waiters went to take their order.
"Hi my name is Changbin and I'll be your waiter for to- what the fuck."
"Changbin buddy how have you been?" Hyunjin asked annoyingly.
"Shut the hell up what did I tell you about these two."
"Changbinnie do you really have to yell at me here." He whined.
"Fine just give you your damn order." After they all ordered their food Changbin stormed off, leaving being an awkward atmosphere.
"Hyunjin what was that about." Minho asked concerned.
"Umm." He was left speechless, he didn't know what to tell the confused boy.
"Oh lord I thought you two were about to start fighting like you did last time you guys got into an arguement." Chan laughed. Minho and Jeongin just looked at each other then the others.
"And here's you food guys if you need anything just call one of the waiters over," another female waitress said and walked away. The two brothers ate in silence trying to understand what just happened. Once they were all finished with their meal Minho and Jeongin had decided to forget what happened to day but asked Changbin once they see him again.

Movie Theater
The chose to watch a horror movie even though they knew the two younger boys wouldn't be able to handle it, but they just wanted an excuse to cuddle them. Minho and Jeongin sat in the middle while Hyunjin on the other side of Minho and Chan and Woojin with Jeongin. 30 minutes into the movie the brothers were already holding on to each others hands tightly. Hyunjin noticed the two boys so he put Minho's head on his shoulder and he laid one of his hands on Minho's thigh. Minho looked at his face but he was just watching the movie so he let it be he looked to his right side and Jeongin and he was hugging Chan's arm while hiding his face on the oldest shoulder. An hour later when the movie was almost over Minho felt Hyunjin's hand start to caress his thigh slightly squeezing it. Minho started mentally freaking out and his face started to heat up. Minho turned around to face him and when he did Hyunjin's face was only a few inches away from his. He began getting closer to him when someone pulled him back. Minho quickly turned around and it was his brother.
"C'mon Minnie the movies over."
"Okay," He responded and grabbing the younger' hand. They all walked out the movie theaters but decided to walk around the stores around the theater.
"Hey Jeongin do you like someone?" Woojin asked the younger.
"Yeah," He simply said, his eyes almost sparkling.
"Are you going to do anything about it, why don't you tell him right now," Chan asks thinking it was one of them.
"I can't silly he's not here, but I will tell him I just don't know when."
"Who are you talking about," Minho whispered in his ear.Jeongin whispered back into his ear and Minho looked back at him with a shocked face.

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