Chapter 9

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   Another morning but I have something to look forward to, well, someone. I woke up, stretched and ran down the stairs. "Good morning Nana, did you sleep well? Is there a reason your up so early on a Monday?" She was in the foyer reading the newspaper sitting in her red wheelchair. "Yes dear, my nurse is going to take me to sight see today. I haven't gotten out of this house much and thought a different scenery would help an old women like me out. Have you read the paper recently, dear?" No, I usually get the news from overhearing the core four, after all, Alice is the one that prints the papers. "No ma'am, I usually hear it from school. Is there something I should be worried about?" She wheels her chair towards the kitchen stopping at the dining table then puts the paper flat pointing at an article. "Everything is written the same as always just false news but you have to read between the lines, Cheryl. "Hiram Lodge is agreeing to the new prison, Mrs. McCoy is dropping from her position as mayor and only doing lawyer work, the ghoulies are at it again with drug selling, and Pop's is getting slow income." What is she trying to say? "So what does all that mean Nana if not what is read on that paper?" She takes her readers off telling me to sit down. "It means dear, Hiram is the one funding the prison also probably buying out Pop's, making Mrs. McCoy in a bad spot because now he has a lot of control over the town. Which means someone he "trusts" will take Mrs. McCoy's spot. I also think he is the new drugmaker of the town." Wow, does Veronica know? She would be against this completely. "Dear he hasn't told anyone his plans yet and I doubt he will tell his daughter, she will need support, dear. Remember this is our town, the Blossom's run it but we will not be the bad people. We are not your father or Hiram, remember that." I made and ate breakfast afterward brushed my teeth then got dressed for the day. I suppose I should wear something more approachable and for cold weather. So I wore a red crop top t-shirt covered by a leather jacket, black skinny jeans with red roses on the pockets, and black high heel thigh boots. My make up was done like normal, being just about ready I brush my red lochs and curled the tips. Checking the time I realize I'm running more late than normal. So I grab my contacts leaving my glasses on, saying bye to Nana and dash out the front door to my car.

   I normally get to school fairly early. The only cars that are in the parking lot are the early teachers. So I pull my visor down getting ready to put my contacts in when I hear a motorcycle. "Good morning Bombshell I hope you don't mind me parking by your.... beautiful car, damn. Is this a 1961 Chevrolet Impala convertible? I think I'm in love with your car." I roll my eyes at her fangirling. "I don't mind Topaz as long as you don't ruin the paint. Want to see the inside?" She looks up with so much shock. "Are you serious? Yes, yes, I would love to. Here let me wipe my boots off real quick don't want to get it dirty." I laugh, full smile, teeth showing type laugh at her eagerness. She walks over and sits in the passenger seat looking like a kid in a candy store. She looks around then looks at me putting my contacts in. "You look cute with glasses on. When you were young did you have braces too because then you would have been the cutest little kid ever." Putting my glasses in their case I smile. "No, I had to have a retainer at night but Jason had to wear braces for about two years. What about you?" She shakes her head. "No, I didn't have the money for that so I'm glad I was born with straight teeth. Straighter then me at least." Then she laughs. "Was that a gay joke, Topaz? Have you been around Keller a little too much?" She nods and her eyes feel with amusement. "I guess it was Bombshell and to clarify just because you are around gay people doesn't mean they're going to rub off on you. Being gay isn't catching, either you are or you aren't." She's right and I didn't mean for it to sound like she had a gay cold or a bisexual germ or something. "Ya, I know. I didn't mean for it to sound like that. It's not like a magical lesbian fairy flies through your window and hits you with an anti-dick stick." I look up and realize what I said. "Shit, I didn't mean to say that out loud it's still early in the morning and I haven't exactly drunk all my coffee..." She starts full on laughing so hard that she has to wipe the tears from her eyes. "Are you" She says in between breaths. "That is the best thing I've ever heard. Are you always this funny?" I just shrug my shoulders, "I guess it depends on the mood I'm in and how much sleep I get." I look down at my phone. How have thirty minutes gone by? Cars are starting to fill up the parking lot. "I think we should be getting inside. Don't want to be late."

   I'm putting my books in my locker only getting out my AP government book. Turns out we have a pop quiz tomorrow over chapter 7. I'm not looking forward to it. History, in general, bores me. I look in the mirror to check my makeup when Reggie Mantle stops by to talk to me. "How would you like to go out with an awesome guy like me? I can help with all your needs."  He says leaning up against the lockers. "How about no, you man whore. Now move, I don't want to catch whatever std's you could possibly have." I try going around but he grabs my arm a little too firm. "Come on, don't be such a preppy bitch. Are you like your mom? What do you want? Money? I'll pay." Did he just say that? "Excuse the hell out of you. Listen here daddy's boy. Don't ever disrespect me like that." Right before I could do anything Jughead and Toni step in. Toni grabs me and pulls me back. When Jughead punches him right in the cheek knocking him down catching him by surprise. "What the fuck, Jughead. Me and the Blossom were having a delightful discussion." Jughead fixes his jacket responding with, "No you weren't you were trying to buy a date with her. You don't treat women that way. I don't care who you are." I was so pissed I could spit fire but Toni calmed me down by drawing little circles on my hand with her thumb. Reggie picked himself off the ground and walked out the doors. "Thanks, uh...Jughead and Toni. I could have handled that on my own." Jughead speaks first, "We know Bombshell and don't call me Jughead. It sounds strange coming from you." He just walks away. He doesn't ask for anything in return. Nothing, he wanted nothing. "Hey, Bombshell, what are you thinking in that mind of yours?" I forgot she was even here. She was still holding my hand realizing, my hands start to sweat. Gross. I take my hand back. "Um, just, why would you two do that for me? I didn't make you or blackmail you in any way." Her response was, "because you didn't deserve to be treated that way." I did something I never thought would happen. A single tear went down my face. I didn't give that one drop of water permission to expose me like that. Toni reaches up and wipes it off with her thumb skimming over my cheek. Then holding it. I just melted into her touch. More saltwater leaked from my eyes. "Hey, not here. Come with me." She leads me into the girl's bathroom locking the door and I start crying. Releasing everything. About my brother, my loser of a father, the abusive mother I had, everything. She held me like a newly born baby, gentle but firm. Not letting me go. Whispering its okay to cry, let it out, I'm here. I didn't want her to let me go ever. Finally, it stopped. I back away from her embarrassed more than anything. I start semi panicking. "Hey, wow, Cheryl breath. It's just me. Come here." I do, I walk up to her and she embraces me. "Hey, is everything fine in there?" Veronica screams through the door. Toni looks at me and says, "yes, I just started my period, the cramps were horrible. I will be out in a minute, don't worry about me." Veronica screams through the door again, "OK, I'll tell the teacher you're going to be late."

   We stayed in the bathroom until the last bell rang. "Bombshell?" I look up into her soft eyes. "Yes, Topaz?" She smiles, "You have a little makeup problem?" I let a giggle out. "A little makeup problem hmm? More like a makeup malfunction." I've never wanted to kiss someone so bad in my life. So I lean in without realizing it. Slowly. "Blossom, I know what you're doing and I would gladly accept it but you being in the state that you are in. I'm going to have to deny it and save it for our new date on Friday." She kisses me on the cheek. "That's payback for last time." All I could do was smile.

   I went home that day skipping and I couldn't stop smiling. "Dear, you seem offly happy. How did your day go?" I walk up to Nana and hug her. "I have a date on Friday with Miss Toni Topaz that's how my day has gone." What am I going to wear? What are we doing? I can't stop dancing. Wait, is she going to out me?


They have a date!!! Bout time. LouLou❤

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