For Asexuals

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A/N: The picture is the asexual flag. All of the following are direct quotes from various sources. Let's start with the classics (these are often said to aromantic people as well):

"It's just a phase, you'll get over it."

"You just haven't found the right person."

"You're too young to label yourself."

(For some reason no one ever says this to straight people).

"I can fix that."

"You're just trying to be different."

"That's not natural."

"That's not human."

(I've personally had a friend shout those last two at me when I explained what asexuality was).

Then some which aren't as well known (I copied these from a few different websites):

"If a person has no sexual desire then they are not experiencing the fullness of their humanity. In that case, they are not whole."

"Asexuals could easily replace homosexuals as the most loathed sexual subculture. "Aphobia" could be the one thing that finally unites heterosexuals and homosexuals in mutual hatred. There, that's putting a positive spin on it."

(Why would you write that? And the term's "acephobia", something this seems to be actively encouraging. "That's putting a positive spin on it"? On what- ace discrimination? Like we don't get enough of that already).

"Just because someone is afraid or nervous about sex doesn't make them "asexual". I would know; I'm a lesbian."

"The desire for sex is a fundamental human need. It's hard to justify these people as human."

(Wow, seventy million people in the world aren't actually human).

"To me a person who professes asexuality is soulless."

"If I was asexual, for me life wouldn't be worth living."

(That person believes their life would be worthless without sexual attraction? Is it really so important?)

"I don't think asexuality is remotely healthy for human beings."

"Asexuality is thought to affect around 1 percent of people in the UK."

("Heterosexuality is thought to affect around 89 percent of people in the UK." Does that make it sound any better? No. No one is "affected" by their sexuality).

"By our nature we are designed to be sexual creatures. We have sexual reproductive organs. They aren't there for decoration. If you have a complete lack of sexuality, it's most likely accompanied by an aliment. I'm sorry if basic human biology doesn't fit into your world view, but that's just how our bodies work."

"You're a child if you think a relationship without sex can work."

"She's not asexual if she's in a relationship."

"Human are sexual animals we are meant to have sexual attraction."

"I bet that it's just ugly people who can't find a partner so they just call themselves asexual to fit in with a tiny group of other unattractive weird people."

A/N: If anyone can think of any more to add, please leave a comment! is a great resource for asexuals and anyone else wanting to learn about "the ace umbrella".

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