Sea of Thought

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If only I could think,
Think of a way to make this emotion distinct,
How it swirls and twirls in my head,
Creating a loud sound of silence in this head of mine,
This head that over thinks,
Is ticking with amusement over how incomplete,
A person really can be,
In the midst of everything we see,
All we see is the toxicity of our kind,
Our species,
Our home,
Our lives,
Is but a dream,
And we can't wake up from that dream,
For that dream is something we can't change,
The dream of reality,
As we grow,
We grow. And grow. Until we reach the max point,
But, that max point isn't enough,
We must reach higher,
Aim higher,
And lest one forgets,
Be who we are,
Be human,
Make mistakes,
Make friendships,
Have some hardships,
Be strong,
And never forget,
Your center.
I tried making this one a bit longer, since there is a lot to be said and to be done. I'm sorry if this is semi-deep to some people, but it is what it is. I just hope that I didn't offend anybody,and that this was totally random. Welp off we go, bye bye!

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