Part 2

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It was a cooler night tonight. The grass was cold and wet I could feel it soaking through my jeans. I felt sick, but not the kind of sick you would feel from a cold. It was was the kind of sick you got when you were upset, the kind where you want to curl up, cry, fall asleep, and then die. Though the grass was wet and it was cold laying in the grass and looking up at the stars in the mainly clear sky was relaxing. It was yet another late night. My brain was working too hard, thinking about nothing yet everything all at once. I wanted to die... again. I sensed something and looked over to my left, the familiar stranger had appeared once again. This time he did speak seemingly not the disturb the beautiful and comfortable sort of silence that was all too uncomfortable at the same time. It was a sort of silence because it was quiet but you could still hear the comforting night time noise that kept you from being driven crazy as you swam in your thoughts and tried not to drown. I was beginning to drown when the stranger spoke. His words had brought me back to reality and had worked as a life preserver, yet I still haven't had the slightest clue what he had said.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked my voice seemed to hardly work as if I hadn't used it in years.

"I said, 'what are you thinking about'" he said

"Everything." I paused "Nothing." I paused again "The grass."

"Let's talk about the grass." He said.

It was strange he wanted to talk about the grass with me. At least I had thought so at the time. Looking back at it, it seemed obvious he was trying to pull me out of the sea of my thoughts and back to the land of reality. As much as we would like to think the land is nicer than the sea we must realize the land can be or seem as awful as the sea. Some people are mermaids that stay in the sea but the land is real to them as well. Others are fish that always stay in the sea and must always. Some People are jungle cats that love the water and sometimes swim but still live on land. And others are earthworms that live in the ground and drown in the rain.

"The grass is damp and sad." I said

"The weight of the dew pushes it down." he said

"The dew doesn't seem like it would be so heavy." I said

He replied with "The dew effects everyone differently."

He was right the dew does effect everyone differently. I sighed. I didn't want to be here, or anywhere for that matter. To simply not exist and never have had existed, seemed like a joy. To simply not be here and to have never have affected anyone seemed amazing.

"You should go in to bed now" the stranger paused "it's late, you need your rest"

Sleep did seem nice. So, I got up off the ground. I looked around, I was telling all my company goodnight with that look. It was a goodnight to the grass, the dew, the stars, the stranger, and my thoughts. I opened up the door and went inside to go to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2019 ⏰

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