get me out, now

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play the song luvs


Celestes POV

I ran through the halls of my childhood home in attempt to escape my drunken father

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I ran through the halls of my childhood home in attempt to escape my drunken father.

i reached my room, attempting to push the door closed.  as any other time, my fathers strength out won mine as he pushed the door open.

"Now I'm only asking you one more time, where is your brother" he spat, giving a look full of hatred.

i kept quiet, not wanting to rat out my brother for his own good. a few quiet seconds go by before my face is greeted with my fathers cold hand struck me in my face.

"if i ask you a question it's best to respond before things get worse" he shouted as he laid one hand after another on me.

after a minute or two, he slowly walked away & out the front door as i laid there on the floor, in pain, covered in blood as it was dripping from every place possible.

I struggled to sit up. once i did, i did my best to wipe the blood off my face. I gradually stood up, trying to regain my balance before heading to the kitchen & grabbing paper towels to clean up the mess my father made.

Once i finished, i decided to take out my phone & contact my brother.

it happened again. he wants me to tell him where you are but i didn't. when will you come and get me or are you coming home??
delivered 7:21pm
read 7:24pm

ion get why he doing this shit. how bad was it??
but ill come and get you tomorrow night. if i
can't make it, get ready to run.
delivered 7:25pm
read 7:28pm

it wasn't that bad this time. only leaked from my nose.
idk where to run to zay, i have no friends.
delivered 7:30pm
read 7:30pm

we'll figure something out, dw
delivered 7:31pm
read 7:32pm


i placed my phone down on my bed & walked over to the bathroom. i stepped inside, closing the door & locking it behind me. i turned on the shower & began to undress myself, tossing my clothes aside. I looked at my appearance in the mirror, thinking if i deserved this or if this another way the universe is trying to humble me.

I ran my index and finger along the rigid scars on my thighs and wrist, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

I stepped into the cold shower as it made my teeth chatter as well as causing goose bumps to appear.

There was never warm water, not that i'm not great full for having some sort of water, my mind just lingers to what i could have.

Instead of my father trying to pay the bill for warm water, his checks were always spent at the liquor store don't the street.

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