Ch. 1 - Sasshole

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It's been a little over a year, and Shouto still comes to that same coffee shop, and that same Barista is still there. During the fall months, the barista- who Shouto now knew as Bakugou Katsuki- knew that Shouto ordered PSLs mostly. During the summer months, he would usually do frappes or smoothies. During the winter, he would always get cocoa, sometimes with a shot. Shouto was a creature of habit, and he didn't like change.


It was a nice, warm, cliche Summer day, and Shouto was at Starbucks, working on his paper that was due that Friday. He chewed on the straw that was in his smoothie as he scrolled down his docs draft, checking for typos in what he'd written so far. He was focused, so when someone else's beverage slammed down on the table, he noticabley flinched, looking up in alarm.

"Hey." Katsuki said as he plopped down in the seat opposite Shouto, throwing his hat on the seat beside him.

Shouto released the straw from his lips, licked them, then set his smoothie down. "... Hi."

They didn't really know each other per say, so this was somewhat odd, to Shouto.

"It's slow, so my manager let me off early." Katsuki said casually, then took a drink from his cup, which looked to have just had regular coffee in it.

"Cool.. What's up?"

"I've literally been working all morning. You know what's up. You've been here as long as I have, you idiot."


"You know," Shouto said thoughtfully, tilting his head a bit. "You should consider being slightly nicer to your customers."

Katsuki tilted his head back a bit, squinting at the man across from him. "... Do you think I'd still be working here if I was a dick to customers?"

That was a good point...

"Has your dumbass ever thought about the fact that I may just like being a dick to you?"

That may have come out wrong..

Shouto rose a brow.

"The first day you came in, I literally called you a dumbass. I called a complete stranger a dumbass, and you laughed, for some stupid-ass reason. Maybe you were high, I don't know."

"I was not high." Shouto scowled, grabbing his smoothie again.

"Whatever." Katsuki shrugged a shoulder. "Point is, I don't have to be stupidly nice to you, like I have to do with every other damn person."

In some weird way, that's oddly.. Sweet.

"Do you want me to st-?"

"No," Shouto interrupted, setting down his cup. He swiped his thumb across the bit of strawberry smoothie that he could feel on the corner of his mouth, then licked his thumb clean. Katsuki totally didn't find that attractive. "No, I don't mind. It's sorta nice to have someone not fake a smile for you, you know?"

Bakugou stared at him, squinting slightly. "... Mhm."

Shouto just stared back.

".. So what're you doing?" Katsuki asked after a moment, slouching forward a little and resting his forearms on the table, both hands holding his cup. "Did I interrupt something important?"

"Oh, no, it's just a paper that's due this Friday." Shouto looked back to his screen, which now had the bubble screensaver going across it. He looked back up at the blonde. "I was just checking for typos. I'm pretty much done."

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