Chapter. ONE.

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A/N DRARRY IS LIFE. Anyway this story came to me while i was sitting in my Cell at Askaban, so Please do enjoy, My pretty little Wiches and Wizzards. 🚂🕍🏔🌄🔮⚗️🧹🧪🎉🎊

Love Telisha-Jane Malfoy

Chapter 1

Harry woke up in his small apartment, Alone again. Since him and Ginny broke up, due to her cheating on him with Nevile. He's never really been the same since he found out. Harry roled off the bed walking down stairs as he heard a knock on the door. Harry fixed his messy black hair as he rubbed his green eyes. "I'm coming" he mumbled opening the door to see a heavly pregnat Hermione Standing next to a bearded Ron. Harry smiled letting them in the apartment.

"Harry sit down, me and Ron have a present for you" she smiled softly sitting down at the small coffee table.

Harry frowned, they knew he didnt like gifts. "Minoe, Ron you's both know i dont like gifts" he sighed sitting down at the small wooden table across from the other two.
"Me and Ron have been thinking, well mainly me. We know how depressed you have been Espesically since we left school and after Ginny... So i wanted you to have this. Harry you've lost so much" she smiles softly passing him the last time turner.
"Hermione, i cant take it, besides what would i even use it for?" he frowned looking at it. He picked up the gold trinket looking at it closly, he smiled softly remembering the time they saved Sirius.

"go back and stop your parents from dying. Harry you deserve it. Dont worry about me and Ron. You deserve to be happy, after all you've been through Harry" Hermione stated with a small smile placed across her lips.
Ron smiled knowing his wife was right Harry deserved happness for once, Ron was angry that his sister had hurt his bestfriend. "beside Harry if you change the past, you might end up with some one better then my cheating sister" Ron stated with a small shrug as he looked at Harry with a sorry smile.

Harry felt his eyes well with tears knowing they wouldnt give up, he took the time turner, looking at his two best friends. "guys i love you so much, you's know that right." he smiled softly, his green eyes threated to let the tears fall.

Harry quickly hugged his friends tightly before looking at the time turner, he slowly began to turn it as he watched his friends dissapear.

Now Harry was standing in the middle of a dark street, there were pumpkins and halloween decorations on every house. It was the late evening of the 31st of October 1981, Godric's Hollow. Harry noticed were he was when he saw his mother and fathers house, standing perfectly un-touched. He felt his eyes well with tears, as he slowly walked up to the window. Harry cracked a small smile as tears rolled down his cheek watching his mother feed him, his father walked into the lounge room sitting down next to Lilly and baby Harry. "Harry Potter, you'll be the youngest seeker of the century" he smiled kissing baby Harry's head making the baby giggle. Harry stepped away from the window knowing that he had to kill voldemort before he killed his parents again.

He stood outside under a tree waiting for him to show up. Harrys green eyes watched and waited for any sign of the dark lord. About an hour passed when he saw him walking though the mist his black cloak floating magically though the mist. Harry's blood began to boil, he was angry. Grabbing his wand

"Avarda kadrava!" Harry yelled hiting the dark lord in the chest, the green light from harrys wand caused Voldemort to look up at Harry in defeat as he dropped to the ground dead.

Harry stepped back as the world around him began to fade his time turner taking him back to reality.

When Harry opened his eyes, he had no idea where he was. The room was dimly lit and cold. Harrys heart alomost dropped out when he felt the soft breath of somthing on his neck. Harry slowly looked around the room notcing the gold and sliver slik curtians that hung around the bed, he was definatly not at his apartment. Harry quietly stood up from the large four posted bed, trying not to wake the sleeping figure next to him, it was at this point he realised he was compleatly naked. Harry quickly covered his mouth not even daring to look at who he was sleeping with. He quickly grabbed his clothes off the floor pulling them on.

Harry ran his hands through his black hair as he walked out of the room, too look for some kind of answer as to where he was.

"Ahh, Mr Malfoy, your awake care for breakfast" a farmiluar voice was heard Harry snapped his head in the direction of the voice, gasping slightly when he saw Dobby. To see Dobby alive was a bit if a shock to Harry but he atempted to stay cool.

"Dobby? where am i?" he asked looking down at the small house elf. Dobby looked at Harry confused at why he was asking him this. "Dobby is confused Sir, this is your home. The Malfoy manor?" he stated looking at Harry with wide eyes

Thats when it hit him, it was Draco who was sleeping next to him. He was sleeping naked next to his arch enemy. Harry slowly started to pace the room thinking about how this was posible.

Draco yawned softly feeling next to him for Harry, today was Draco's birthday. Dracos blue eyes opened as he sat up. I Draco streched getting out of bed shirtless as he walked down stairs. He frowned seeing Harry pacing the room. "Potter. What are you doing" Draco Raised his eyebrow at Harry.

Harry stopped dead in his track to turn and look at the other male, his green eyes scaned Dracos body before blushing a little. "Ahh- Nothing honey" he atemped to be cute. Draco couldnt help but laugh at Harrys stupid behaviour, Draco knew Harry better then he knew himself, since they were MARRAIED.

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