Chapter. TWO.

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"Potter. Seiously what is wrong" he stated between his small laughs. Harry stood there staring at the male in front of him. "Harry!" Draco clicked in front of the males nose to get his attention. Draco blinked Harry was acting so wired. Then it hit him, Harry was nervous for Dracos birthday Dinner with his parents.

"Harry, darl didn't we talk about this last night, I know you think my father going to hate you. Besides its not up to him who i fall in love with, its our Marraige after all" Draco stated taking hold of Harrys hands to show he cared. Harry flinched a little as he smiled at Draco.

"I have to go see someone, I shall be back for dinner I promise" he smiled and gently pecked Malfoys lips.

Draco smiled widly thinking that Harry was going to get him a surprise gift, "please be back before six as my mother and father are punctual" he kissed Harry's lips deeply. "I love You potter even if you a strange" he smiked as he began to walk away to the kitchen.

"I love you too, see you later" Harry quickly ran out of the room and into the giant gardan, Harry had no idea where he was but he had to find Ron or Hermione.

Harry reached into his pocket pulling out his wand and Dissaprated to were ever Ron was. Harrys heart dropped when he noticed he was in a cemetery. He took a deep breath when he noticed the grave in front of him.

-Ronald Weasly-
Died 1st of march 1982.
At the age of two a baby boy was lost xx
Forever love Molly and Aruther Weasly
Aka Mom and Dad.

Ron was dead before he even started hogwarts, This hurt harry but he knew that Ron would be happy knowing Harry had his parents back. Harry felt tears falling from his green eyes the more he looked at baby rons grave.

"Ron I'm sorry" he mumbled softly making a flower grow on his grave. Harry felt a wave of guilt hit him as he remembered all the fun adventures he had with Ron.

"Now for hermione" he gulped before Dassparating, "the beach?" he frowned looking around there were people every where "Hermione?!" he yelled looking around the people.

"Harry potter-Malloy?" a voice came from behind him, He turned slowly and sighed in releif seeing George Weasly. "Have you seen Hermione?" he asked smiling at the other male. George looked confused as he frowned at Harry, "um, potter? why are you looking for Freddie's wife?"

"Fred's wife. what are you talking about George? Wait never mind i'll be going just tell Hermione that I need to talk to her." he frowned, it was at this moment he realised this was his life now, even if his two best friends weren't there. Harry looked down at the time before Dissaperating back to his new home. The Malfoy manor.

To say Draco was nervous was an understatment, He knew his father better then anyone and he was scared, his father hated the fact that he had married a Potter, so much that he didn't even attend their wedding. His father Luicius Malfoy had a reputaion of being rather rude, and knowing that Harry Didn't know how to bite his tounge, was quite stressfull. Draco bit his lip knowing his father and Harry didn't get along. Draco walked around the house making sure everything was in the correct place. His blue eyes scaning over everything as he triple checked the entire house. Draco walked to his room changing his outfit five times before deciding what he wanted to wear.

"Draco? babe were are you?" Harrys voice came from down stairs, making draco instantly relaxed. He smiled to himself, before walking down to the smaller male. "My love" he smirked wraping his arms around Harry from behind, he gently kissed Harrys neck.

This was somthing that Harry was not used to, he quickly flinched away from Draco his green eyes widened as he looked back at the now frowning Draco.

"Harry are you ok? Love your acting so strangly?" his brows arched in confusion as he stared at Harry.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a little off today" he mumble softly rubbing the back of his neck looking down at the floor, his eyes slowly drifting back up to Draco as he smiled "you look good" causing a small blush to creep across Harry's cheeks.

This made Draco smile widely at the boy before pulling him into a hug, "Harry, if your not feeling well, we can always call off dinner to another night?" He placed his hand on Harry's face before gently kissing his lips even though it was Draco's day he cared more about Harry being ok. "Wait your not sick as in contagious sick right?" Draco frowned a little pulling back and looking at Harry. Harry laughed a little "no, just a headache that's all"

-time jump 6:00-

Lillian Naricisa Jane Malfoy, was Draco's Eleven year old sister. She looked a lot like Draco with long blonde hair and blue eyes. The little girl was excited to see her brother and Harry, she was dressed in a Red dress with a big white bow around the back, Naricisa smiled down at her daughter as her and Luicius made there way to the front door of there old house.

Harry looked at his formal outfit that Draco had insisted he wear, he frowned softly walking down stairs, Draco smiled widely seeing his husband all dressed up looking more handsome than ever. "My god, you look sexy" Draco smirked at Harry causing him to blush.

Luicius knocked on the door as Naricisa fixed Lillian's hair and dress "mother, stop" the little girl frowned. Draco opened the door to see his little sister, mother and father. Lillian smirked as she pushed past her brother "where is my faverioute brother. Potty!" She smiled giving him a big hug Harry smiled and hugged the little girl, she looked a lot like her brother, Draco looked at his sister acting slightly hurt as he put his hand to his heart, "Thanks Lillian I love you too" he rolled his eyes

Draco notice how overly happy his mother was, he frowned a little before embracing her, "Mother you seem to be in a good mood" he smiled at her "what can I not be In a good mood, it's your birthday and I get to see my Baby all grown up and Married" she smiled widely making Draco cringe internally. Draco turn to face his father who of cause had his Black cane in his hand, with out saying a word Draco nodded towards his father, getting a slight smile back from him.

Draco turned to see Harry and Lillian chatting away as they normally did every time she came over. Harry the patted her head softly as he walked over to Draco and his parents. He smiled softly at them both "Hello, Mr and Mrs Malfoy" he stated smiling at them

Draco looked at Harry with a confused look at his face as he went to speak but was cut off by his mother "Harry dear, how many times have I told you call me Naricisa. Not Mrs Malfoy" she smiled and hugged Harry, making him smile slightly.

Chapter Two done so Please do enjoy, My pretty little Wiches and Wizzards. 🚂🕍🏔🌄🔮⚗️🧹🧪🎉🎊

Love Telisha-Jane Malfoy

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