Three: Dylan and Yue

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Wang's Residence


This is so frustrating. I was lying in my bed close to an hour now but sleep is still elusive. Listening to the audiobook is no help at all. Milk. I was about to reach for the door handle when I saw it turning. When the door opened, there stood my mom, with a glass of milk in her hand.

"It's as if my brain has the capacity to make things happen as I think of them, mom. I was just thinking of getting myself some milk." I told her and she smiled at my silliness.

"Still can't sleep Di?" my mom said as she ruffled my hair. 

"It's just weird mom. I am so eager to sleep early tonight but then it's hard to come by. Maybe you could sing me a lullaby like you used to?" I suddenly feel like a three-year-old again. I have been busy lately being a grown-up when in fact I am just a thirteen-year-old boy. And it soothes me when my mom sings to me before sleep.

My mom hugged me. It was a nice feeling to be enveloped in her embrace. Affection has been scarce lately as we were both busy living our lives. 

And coping with the loss of my dad. 

And I found myself wishing for the nth time that my dad is still alive. So that life will not be as hard as it is now.


Dylan ventured warily into the vast field of greens. He instantly knew he was dreaming because this is the same place where his dreams occur. But it's somehow different. And then it dawned on him. His daddy is nowhere to be seen. And the monsters are not attacking him as well.

His dreams usually start with him seeing his father sitting in the big lone rock in the middle of the field. And then he would run to his direction, eager to be near his father again. Wanting so much to hug him and talk to him. But every time he gets near enough, the monsters will start to appear, attacking him and holding him back to prevent him from approaching his father. They will then drag his father away until he was out of his sight. 

This is the first time that he was able to explore in his dreams. He usually just struggles. He struggles to break free from the monsters, struggles to reach his father. And then he wakes up usually in tears and heartbroken because he again failed to go near his father. 

He walked further in the valley and when he reached what he thought was the end of the field, he was surprised at what he saw. Below is a land that is devoid of life. Dead trees and dried leaves, twigs and branches are scattered everywhere. The only body of water present is a river full of dark, murky water. He can also see caves. He's not afraid of the dark but just the entrance of the caves looks ominous. He wouldn't be persuaded to even come near them even if his life depended on it.

And in the midst of that dry forsaken land, he was mesmerized by a girl, who's singlehandedly battling the monsters in his nightmare. There were so many of them but she makes it seem like it's just child play. She moves fast like lightning and there are moments where it seems like she's flying. Very agile and alert. Even so, she exudes beauty and elegance every time she wields her sword.

She's a badass.

And as she landed gracefully after slicing the last monster to his death, Dylan was smitten.

Dylan waved to the girl as she looked at his direction, hoping she would notice him. And noticed him she did. Even from afar, he could see her freeze from where she's standing.


The first thing that Yue saw as she straightened up was someone waving at her. She was so surprised to realize it was Dylan. No. It can't be. Dylan can see me? But I'm supposed to be invisible.

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