Chapter Two: Mi Madre

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After Batman showed Queen Watevra Wa'nabi what Gotham has to offer, he said,
"I'd say it's time to take you to my place! What'd ya say?"
Watevra, who shapeshifted back into her pile of bricks form, said,
"Heck yes! You read my mind!"
So, Batman and Watevra went back into the Batwing so they could fly to Wayne Manor. When they arrived at the Batcave, they landed and Batman told Watevra,
"This is the one and only Batcave. It's where all the cool stuff happens"
Watevra stepped out, this time, shapeshifting into her horse form and said,
"Oh I know that.  It's way cooler in person than I thought it would be!"
"Anything Batman related is always cool!"
After sharing a laugh from that, Batman showed Watevra around the Batcave, to which she was very impressed. He also showed her his gadgets, his vehicles, everything. Watevra then asked Batman,
"Y'know, now that you've shown me around the Batcave, I wanna meet Alfred and Robin! I bet they're just waitin' to meet me!"
"Yes, let's do so" replied Batman.
Watevra then shapeshifted into her pile of bricks form again, and she and Batman made their way up into Wayne Manor itself.
When they arrived, Robin went to Batman and said,
"Hi Padre! It's so nice to see-"
But before he finished his sentence, he noticed Watevra and said,
"I-is that?"
Batman then told Robin,
"It's nice seeing you too. This is my new wife I was talkin' about. Queen Watevra Wa'nabi. She is so cool and she's wanted to meet you and Alfred. Speakin' of which, where is that guy?"
"Oh, he's currently cleaning upstairs. He'll be down soon."
Watevra then said,
"So, this is your son, Robin?" Wow, it's very nice to meet-"
Robin, now smiling, then gave her a huge hug and said,
"I have a mom now! Mi Madre!"
Watevra was caught by surprise from the hug, but she enjoyed it and said,
"Well, I'm happy to be here too, Robin."
She then shapeshifted into her cat form and cuddled with Robin. Robin, seeing her shapeshift, got even more excited and told Batman,
"Padre! She just turned into a cat!"
Batman replied with,
"I forgot to mention that she shapeshifts, hence her name."
"She can shapeshift?! Wow! That is the coolest thing I've ever heard of!"
He then turned to Watevra and said, "Hey Madre! Show me what you can do!"
"Ok!" replied Watevra.
She then proceeded to shapeshift into a rocket and said,
"Hop on me!"
She and Robin then flew around for a bit while Robin said,
"This is awesome! What else can you do?"
"This!" replied Watevra.
After she landed, she became a large toaster. She then told Robin,
"Press that lever!"
Robin did so and when she came out, she said,
Robin and Watevra shared a laugh as he picked her up and held her in his hands. Batman, seeing all of this, smiled to himself because the two most important people to him were laughing and having a great time together. Robin then said to Watevra,
"This is the best day ever!!"
"I think so too, Robin!" said Watevra.
"Oh, can you put me down please?"
After he put her down, Watevra then told Robin,
"Oh, check this out!"
She then shapeshifted into her boom box form where the song, Catchy Song began playing.
Batman then got annoyed and said,
"Not this song again!"
Robin then joined in with Watevra while singing the catchy song as he said to Watevra,
"Can this day get any better?! You're the best Madre ever!!"
Watevra replied with,
"Aww, thanks Robin! I'm glad you think so!"
Alfred then came downstairs and said,
"Oh dear, where is that music coming from?"
"Alfred! This is my madre, Queen Watevra Wa'nabi!" said Robin.
Watevra then stopped the music and shapeshifted into her pile of bricks form and said,
"So you're Alfred Pennyworth?"
"So you must be the lady Master Bruce was talking about. I am very pleased to finally meet you Miss Watevra. And congratulations on you and Master Bruce's marriage last year" replied Alfred.
Batman then said,
"Bruce? Who's Bruce?"
"There's no hiding it, Batman. I know that you're Bruce Wayne" said Watevra.
"Ok, ok. You win this time."
Watevra giggled and then said to Alfred,
"Anyways, it's also nice to meet you too, Alfred. I can see why you and Robin have always wanted to meet me! It feels great to be a part of this family! Gotham is also a great place! They're lucky to have someone like Batman!"
Batman then said,
"Yup! Totally! Everyone's lucky to have someone like Batman!"
After everyone had a good laugh together, he then proceeded to show Watevra the rest of Wayne Manor.
When it was just Batman and Watevra, Watevra said,
"Wow, I can see why Robin especially wanted to meet me. He's such a great kid! He's very lucky to have a great dad like you! And Alfred, he's one of the nicest people I've ever met! I don't know why I haven't been here before!"
"I don't know why either, other than the fact that we were too busy to do this before now" replied Batman.
"I sure am impressed by what you what have to offer!"
"You darn right you are! Now let me continue showing you what we have here."

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