Chapter Three: Meanwhile...

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In another part of Gotham, particularly the Joker's lair, the Joker, who had heard of Queen Watevra Wa'nabi prior to her arrival and briefly followed her and Batman when they arrived, said,
"So, Batman has brought over his little wife here. Well, I shouldn't say 'little' as she's always bigger than him. Anyways, with her here, she's stealing quality time away from me and Batman! I thought I was his greatest enemy! But apparently, someone to actually love is more important than your greatest enemy. Oh, I'll do something about it!"
As the Joker was thinking up of a plan on what to do, he said,
"If only Harley Quinn hadn't left me, she would've been helpful."
He then thought about Watevra and said,
"So what if she loves him? That may be cool to Batman, but I'm cool too, right?"
He then thought about what he just said and continued with,
"Oh! Perfect! I know just what to do to get my quality time back!"
He then went out and came back about 15 minutes later with a wand, a cauldron, and some items. He said,
"With Voldemort's wand and a cauldron from Hogwarts, this plan will work out perfectly! Now how do I work this wand?"
After some messing around with it, he said,
"Ok, ok. So that's how it works! Now to conjure this all up."
First, he put in a brick in the cauldron while saying,
"A part of her, well technically, it's just a brick that's the same shade of pink as her, but still."
After that, he then put in a little bit of liquid while saying,
"Ok, this was pretty hard to get, but somehow, I did it. It's just what I need to complete this!"
He then got out the wand and said,
"Ok, how do we do this? Let's see..."
He waved the wand around, which began to glow, and said,
"Uh, put these ingredients together? Or something something?"
The Joker then zapped the liquid and brick and after a puff of smoke, what remained in the cauldron was a large pile of pink, almost white powder. At first, the Joker said,
"Dang it, the brick disintegrated."
He then took a closer look and said,
"Wait, where's the 2nd ingredient? I swore I put it in!"
He then had a moment of realization and said,
"Wait, I was being stupid. The brick and the 2nd ingredient fused together to make that pile of powder. Why didn't I think of that?"
He then scooped up the powder and placed it into a jar all while saying,
"Here you go! When the time is right, Watever will be getting it real good and me and Batman's quality time will then be restored!"
As he was laughing evilly, he then heard Voldemort come in and said,
"I'm gonna need my wand and cauldron back. Where are they?"
The Joker then gathered them up, gave them back to Voldemort, and said,
"Oh! Here you go! I hope I didn't mess anything up on that wand."
After Voldemort left, the Joker said,
"Now, where was I? Oh yeah! We'll see who Batman thinks as more important now!"
He then did his evil laugh once again. After that, he said,
"Now all I have to do is find a way to lure in Batman and his Queen. What to do? What to do?"
He then thought up of something and said,
"I got it! This'll do them real good!"
He then spent the rest of the night getting everything ready for his ultimate plan.  When everything was ready, he said,
"Am I more important now, Batman?"
He then did yet another evil laugh and said,
"Man I really need to cool it with the evil laughs.  They're great and all, but- oh what the heck?  I'll keep doin' 'em!"
He then proceeded to do one final evil laugh and then he said,
"Now we wait for tomorrow to come."

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