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What is this 'literary restaurant'?
It's a food factory. You're plopped into this story, at a restaurant of some kind, and served food. They can either be real or fictitious. If it's fictitious, there'll be an extra note stating so at the end of the chapter. If it's real, its name is in the name of the chapter.

The chapters are divided into groups, which are:

         Ceramic Plate | soupy stuff
           Copper Plate | barbecued goods
              Stone Plate | mountainous nibbles
              Paper Plate | pastries and other baked goods
               Glass Plate | sweet, sweet desserts
    Styrofoam Plate | fast food
Banana-Leaf Plate | refreshments in the tropics
             Yellow Plate | vegan specials

Every character, or so currently planned, is assumed to have fully-functional limbs, head and the like required to eat without much disturbance from them.

Have fun reading and eating.

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