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Hana's POV

It was already nighttime. I had been in the garden for so long, crying my sadness away.
I didn't even eat anything since morning. Taehyung kicked me out as well.

My head was hurting so bad, it felt like my veins would burst any second.

I decided to walk back into the mansion and take that wedding dress off like he asked me. I didnt want to upset him even more.

I was walking barefoot as I had taken my shoes of inside.
The night was dark and cold.
The breeze was actually freezing.

I saw a pair of headlights by the gate and a limo drove in.
That moment my vision got blurry and I lost my strength, collapsing to the rough, hard ground.

I felt people rushing to me and a pair of arms wrapped around me,picking me up bridal style, that's before everything went dark.

Taehyung's POV

I walked to where the maid lead me.
It was the guest room.

Why is she taking me there?

I opened the door and saw my hyungs and the Maknae offcourse.

"Taehyung Thank God you're here. She collapsed on the ground outside. We ran to her as fast as we could and brought her inside. She was freezing." Hoseok Hyung said as he pointed to that girl.

She had been tucked in bed and two maids were helping to bring her back to consciousness.

" hmmmmm okay." I replied taking out my phone.
I felt stares on me.

" Tae! Your wife passed out on her wedding night and you're acting like you don't even care!" Jin Hyung said to me.

"Yeah... I don't." I said to them.
"Man are you nuts. What's gotten into you?" Jimin said walking over to me.

"Listen guys, this marriage won't effect me like it effects other people. I hate her and I don't think of her as my wife. You all put that in your minds okay."  I told them.

They all were looking at me shocked.

What? Did I say the wrong thing.
Women are to be treated like that.

"w....where am I?" she had gained consciousness and she sat up rubbing her head.

"Thank God you're alright. We were worried about you.
Are you okay. Are you hurt?"
Namjoon Hyung walked over to her side and asked her gently.

She just nodded.
"When you all are done talking to this pathetic girl, meet me in my room"
I snapped and walked out of the room.

"Taehyung Wait!!!"
I heard Yoongi Hyung call after me.

"What?" I asked.
"Room Now!!"
He ordered.

Aish!!! I hate it when Hyung does that. I'm not a kid anymore. Whyyyy!

He dragged me to my room and closed the door.
"Now tell me why you are Being like this to your Bride? He asked.

I sighed and told him to sit down.
" Hyung.... I.... "
I couldn't find the words to explain it to him.
To tell him what I was going through.

" Is something bothering you Taehyung? " he asked in a loving brotherly manner.

"Hyung.... Do you remember my parents? The way my father used to treat my mother?"
I asked getting a little emotional.

"Tae.... Don't tell me your having flashbacks again."
He asked putting his hands on head.

"I.... I did a while ago. I saw them fighting again. I can't bear to see him treat my mother like that. It kills me. But at the same time my father told me to behave like that." I explained.

He sighed and got up, he began pacing back and forth in the room.
" Tell me one thing Taehyung. If you didn't love her, why'd you marry her?"

" She was decent looking out of all the other girls that you guys showed me. That's why. " I said.

We then heard a knock and a maid came in.
"Excuse me Sir. Sorry to disturb you but where will the Bride sleep?" she asked looking down.

"She'll sleep with your Sir here in this room." S
Yoongi Hyung told her.

I asked shocked.

"Yes please bring her here." Yoongi Hyung said to her. She smiled and went back.

What the fuck is this... I don't even want to be in the same room as her.
"But Hyung!! I don't want to be with her.... She disgusts me!" I whined.

"You'll be fine. You two need to work out your differences and know each other more. This way you won't hate her." He said.

Hana's POV

"So we can be friends right?" Jungkook asked me as he held his hand out for me to shake.

"Y... Yes." I replied shyly and shaked his hand.
He was a nice guy. He made me laugh a few times trying to calm me down.

"You look really pretty in that wedding dress Hana." he said to me.
I looked at him and he smiled. His bunny teeth were actually adorable.

"Thankyou so..... Huh!!" I suddenly gasped.
"W.. What.. What happened" he asked worried.

I got up and said "Taehyung told me to take this dress off and I completely forgot.. I gotta to change..." I said and got off the bed but I squinched in pain because my feet were hurt on the ground.

I was about to fall but Jungkook grabbed me by my shoulders and held me so I didn't.

" Are you okay. You can't just run like that... You're feet are hurt. " he said.
I blushed and nodded.

"Hana Mam please follow me to your and Sir's Room. You may rest and sleep if you want." the maid said as she came to the guestroom.

"Yes please Hana go and rest you must be tired. We'll come again soon." Jin said as he bowed.

"Thank you." I said to them and left with the maid.
We were walking up the stairs to Taehyung's room when one of his Hyungs came out.

I bowed to him in respect and he bowed back. "Have a nice night Hana.Don't worry okay. I've talked to Tae." he said and smiled at me.

Talked to Taehyung?? About what?

The maid left me by the door and I walked in.

I thought everything was okay now but that was my mistake.

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