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"I will help..... But not you Cho Hana"
She whispered in my ear
"Huh? What do you mea..." I felt excruciating pain in the back of my neck

I tried to move away from Tzuyu but she held me tightly
The pain got worse

She let me go and I held my neck my vision starting to get blurry.
I saw she threw something on the floor

It was
And empty syringe

I looked at her in confusing my breathing slowing down

"W...... Why did.... You.." I tried to speak but darkness surrounded me as everything went black

Tzuyu's POV

"Take her to the forest and wait for us there. Make sure she doesn't wake up! Get it." I ordered our two men

"Yes mam." they said and picked the girl up. I texted Baekhyun

"She's down... For now. Go and finish her."
"Thank you baby" he replied.

Jin' POV

We had called for backup and they had come.
"Sir stay back we'll blow the door open"

We all covered our ears when there was a loud boom and smoke everywhere

The metal door was no more. We all ran outside "Search the premises! Kill anyone you have to and find this guy and his partner"

"Hyung we will look for Hana while you go with the bodyguards" Taehyung said and I agreed.

Namjoon, Suga And Hoseok were with me while the young ones went to find Hana.


Baekhyun's POV

"Where is the girl?" I asked one of the men "um.... Sir she..." he stammered
"What? Where is the girl?" I asked loosing my temper.

"She ran away sir... She knocked us down and managed to run off..." he said looking down

"You fucking fools find her!" I screamed at him
"We are sir... Our other men are searching for her.. She wouldn't have gone far since this is a pretty dense forest and it's dark"

"you better get me the girl or I'll end your pathetic lives right here!"
I said pointing my gun to his head

"y... Yes sir.."

Hana's POV

I slowly came back to my senses.. As I felt like someone was dragging me, the rough ground scratching against my skin, the smell of dirt

I blinked to get a clear view of what was happening to me, and indeed I was right

Two men were dragging my by the legs, It was a dark forest
I pretended to be unconscious allowing them to take me wherever they were told to.

A few minutes passed

They brought me to this little cabin in the forest it was pretty well hidden
"Now we have to wait for the boss"
They said as they went out of the cabin

I got up and sneaked out of the cabin through the doors they left open because they thought I was unconscious

I tiptoed outside and saw them talking standing beside a tree
I took my chance and ran for it

"HEY! GET BACK HERE!" Oh No they saw me
What do I do what do I do

I ran as fast as I could but it was so dark and muddy I couldn't go far
I tripped over a broken tree branch and fell as they grabbed my arms

"I've had enough of this!" I yelled and kicked them both right in the crotch as hard as I could
They yelped in pain, holding their crotch I pushed them down and took their guns.

"Oh God I can't believe I actually did it.  I thought to myself as I ran away from them.

I kept running I was completely lost. All I could hear were the rustling trees and wind noises.

I sat beside a tree trying to catch my breath. When I heard the men again.
I shouldn't be afraid anymore because I have two guns and they can't hurt me when I have guns....... Right.....? I asked myself my anxiety rising. every step they took coming closer

They came right next to the tree I was with and I panicked when I saw Baekhyun was with them

I tried to move away but I stepped on a stick and it make a noise.
"Found her sir!" I felt pairs of arms wrap around me and something hard hit my head

I began to lose my vison again as everything starred going blurry but I tried to stay conscious I couldn't let them take me again

I released my arms but fell back in the process." Well well well you're a nasty little girl for trying to escape. Remember I told you if you tried to escape you'll regret it!" Baekhyun said as he twirled a gun around his finger.

He pointed it at me but I took both my guns out and pointed at him too.
"Fuck you're a feisty chick aren't you. Too bad you Taehyung won't get to say goodbye..." he said as he reloaded the gun

Before he could shoot me I shot him in the arm making him step back and he winced in pain but he still smirked

"One tiny bullet doesn't hurt sweetheart!  He laughed evily
" Babe are you alright! " Tzuyu came running too

" you bitch! " she screamed as she charged at me

Taehyung's POV

" He's not here, where could he have gone to" me and the others had searched baekhyun's entire place

Pure fear and worry took over me, I didn't want to loose Hana, I admit Her mother did wrong but I loved her

"Hyung!!! Look what we found." Jimin called me
"What" I asked going into the room they were in

"A used syringe!" Suga showed it to us
"What do you think was in it" Jimin asked with concern in his voice

I held the syringe examined it and that's when we found out

"gamma hydroxybutyric"

"So they must have given this to Hana.... Ahhh my poor wife I can't imagine how scared she must be." Taehyung sniffed

"Where could they have taken her we searched the whole area"

We were cut off by a loud Gunshot
"Sounds like it came from the Forest! Let's go!"
Jungkook yelled as we all ran towards the forest.

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