The Escape

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"Bear it's me, Hattie. Your sister." There was silence before he growled at me taking me aback, "Don't fucking lie to me. My sister died when she tried to escape. Besides my sister had pink hair not purple." I almost cried. He thinks I'm dead but here I am. I try to steel myself a little, "My hair is purple because I dyed it. I chose purple because that was your favourite colour. I didn't die that day. I escaped with Raven, Remi, Tammy and Joy. All of whom you never met because you were taken from me. On that noted how did you get out of their control?" He looks at me a little stunned. He was going to say something when Tucker stepped in, "It's true. Janet took me to her and even said the same thing. That she is your sister. When they told you she was dead, they were lying because wanted your COMPLETE obedience." I turn to Tucker and give him a small smile before he walked back to Mari.

When I look toward Bear again he looks guilty before he talks again, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I-I-I just-" He stopped mid-sentence when I gave him a hug, "Stop apologising. I just want my brother back. So please just let me hug my brother." I felt his arms wrap around me and return the hug before he replied, "I can do that."

I pull away from the hug when I hear someone call my name. It was Tucker. He pointed towards Joy and I can see her moving on the table. I almost ran over there seeing that Joy was trying to fight Mari. When I got there I pushed Mari to the side and got Joy to look me in the face. Her skin was still covered in scars but they were clean and partly healed. When our eyes met, she stopped struggling and her arms quickly wrapped around my frame and I hugged back. She was crying, "Hattie! You're here. I thought I would never see you again." I was crying now too, "It's okay Joy. I'm here and we're going to get out of here. Okay?" In a weak voice she replied, "Okay."

I let her go, "This is Mari and she is going to help now. I'll be back. I'm going to get you some new clothes." I let Mari take over and went to get Joy some clothes. I picked out a black jacket with green accents, a pair of black tracks and some black sneakers. I place them next to Joy and give her a warm smile before checking on Tammy and Remi, "How are you girls doing?" Tammy turns to me and says, "Fine but my ears and tail hurt." Right I forget she has those. Poor girl. Even though they give her cool perks they can be quite sensitive. Remi asks, "How's Joy?" I give her a sad smile, "She's going to be fine but for now she just needs to heal."

I see Tammy's eyes narrow and ears go back. When I turn around I see Bear standing there smile but when Tammy hisses at him the smile turns nervous and he puts his arms up in a surrender motion, "I'm not a threat. I-I just wanted to meet Hattie's friends." I laugh at him, "Alright. Bear this is Tammy and Remi. Girls this is Bear and he isn't a threat." Tammy's tail is twitching like an angry cat, "Where is his shirt. It's freezing down here and he has no shirt." Bear just looks confused, "It's not cold down here." I sigh. Good to see some things haven't changed, "Tammy he's an ICE user. The cold doesn't bother him." She swipes at me which I easily avoid while I smirk at her, Remi laughing at us. "Also he is my brother." That stopped both of them. Now its Remi's turn, "W-what. Really?" I nod at her. I grab Bear's arm saying, "Welp, gotta give Raven an introduction. Bye."

I drag him over to Raven, "Raven. This is Bear. Bear this is Raven. She is the one who found me when you were taken from me." Raven just smiles and gives a small wave. She can be so shy sometimes, "Come on Raven, say something." "Fine. Um. Hi I'm Raven." Bear smiles at her, "I'm Bear. Thnks for finding her." Raven smiles back, "No problem."

Now I'm dragging him over to Joy. Mari seems to have finished and when I get over there she leaves us to talk, "Hey Joy. How're you doing?" She looks at me and says, "I feel like shit but I'm alive I guess." I give her a hug before I reply, "Good? Anyway I wanted to introduce you to Bear. Bear this is Joy, my girlfriend." Bear gave her a heart warming smile, "Good to see my sister has someone who's more than a friend." Joy just looked away and said, "Do you know how much Hattie was hurting over what happened with you." "Joy don't." "No this has to be said. She felt alone between meeting Raven and losing you. Being alone is something she fears and I don't want her to lose you again." Bear had lost the smile, "She won't lose me." Joy's body jerked and she yelled, "NO! I don't believe you. They put you under their control. How could you have possibly gotten out of that? If this is all just a trap then I hope it's worth breaking your only remaining family member's heart." The way she spoke was so cold yet for me it was reassuring and slightly sexy but I'll think about that later. Right now I need to calm her.

I went to go calm her when Bear stepped in, "I'm not under their control because of my friend. He has sped up brain stuff and he figured out how to get rid of the control and Tucker administered whatever it was so now my mind is my own. I-I-I di-didn't mean to leave her. My mind was not my own. Thinking back on what they forced me to do hurts so much but the thought of leaving my sister all alone in this place hurts the most." His head is pointed down but I can see the smile on his face, "Good to see my sister has someone who cares about her that much."

After that we started to talk about the plan to get out of here. First, we have to wait for their scheduled 'night'. At that point we will have to rely on Tammy because she can see in the dark. We will go to a tunnel that slopes up and we will have to walk up the dark tunnel till we reach the point where there are lights. From there we keep walking till we get to the top where there will be a door. After all that walking I'd expect to be at least 10 km away from their above ground base.

When we got to the top they said that their tech guy/ outside guy would be waiting for us and he would take us to a town where we can go back to our normal lives but the person I saw took me aback.

The man waiting for us had purple hair, striking harry potter green eyes (if you read the books then you understand) and he is decked out with hockey clothes. This man is familiar to me but more so to Raven who immediately went up to him, "Leo? Y-y-you are an odd kind like us?" he looked at her sheepishly and replied, "Is that what you call our kind?" She nodded her head.

I walk up to him and said, "No wonder I trusted you so easily." I don't trust easily but the people I trust are always good people.

Sorry this took longer to update. I was lazy and couldn't be bother to write but I was thinking of what to add to the story. That information will be kept quiet till it is added to the story or if I feel the need to explain things.

Anyway I would just like to say that in the future there may be both intentional and unintentional references to animes. Like Bear who is like a happier, softer version of Gray from fairy tail, that was unintentional. My friend is just inhuman when it comes to the cold and he also isn't a fan of shirts.

Welp, bye guys.


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