Chapter 05 - Dispatch

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Nayeon POV

I got a call from JYP PDnim to meet him today with ryujin at his office, I don't know what or why he want to meet us so I just called ryujin too meet me today. After having breakfast with my member I heard my phone ringing and it was ryujin calling me saying that he's waiting on the lobby.

"okay oppa wait a minute I'll be right there" I ended the call "hey guys I'm gonna go out now, I'll be back later" I said going to the door

"where are you going unnie?" sana ask

"JYP PDnim called for me and ryujin to meet him today, so I'll be back later byeee"

I arrive at the lobby and search for Ryujin but I can't see him anywhere then I felt a tap on my shoulder "you looking for someone?" I know that voice "Oppa there you are" I turn around and hug ryujin and he hug me back "so Nayeon why JYP PD want to meet us" he asked me "I don't know but lets find out" I answered and he bring me to his car.

When we arrive at JYPE we go straight to JYP PD Office, I knock at his door "Come in" I heard JYP PD said, so we come in his office "Good Morning PDnim" "Good Morning Sir" me and ryujin said "ahh nayeon ryujin how are you guys doing?" he asked us "we're good sir" we answered "so you two must be wondering why did I called you both here, first I want to say good job on the modelling job nayeon you did a wonderful job the picture just out today and you have many praise from everyone" he said "thank you sir but it's not only me that you should praise" I said to him "I know that's why I called for ryujin too, ryujin thank you for what you done not only with nayeon but also thank you for saving tzuyu and sana from mugger you really have no idea how scared I was went I heard that" he said offering ryujin a handshake "your welcome sir I just trying to do the right thing" ryujin accepting the handshake "how did you know that PDnim?" I ask him "one of the detectives told me about it" he answer "oh yeah one more thing, have you seen this article nayeon?" he show me an article



TWICE Nayeon seen having lunch with some man we haven't seen before, this photo show that nayeon maybe having a lunch date with a guy that we predict is Ryujin. We can't really see the guy full face but fans theorized that it's Ryujin, King aka Leader of Royals from part of his face, there's still no confirmation from Twice or Royals, we will just have to wait and see.

Wait what someone have my photo and ryujin together? How?

"I haven't see this article before" I said "well this just got upload on dispatch today, is that true nayeon?" JYP ask me "yes I mean no, I mean no I'm not dating anyone PDnim and yes that's actually Ryujin here" I answer him "that's actually before our debut and Twice comeback" ryujin said "okay then I think everything will be okay" JYP said "umm ryujin can you give me some time with nayeon" JYP ask ryujin "yes sir of course" ryujin said going out.

"he's a nice kid" JYP said "yeah he's really a gentlemen, sweet and handsome too" I said 'wait did I just said that' "handsome huh?" he laugh at what I said "did I just said that out loud?" I ask "haha yeah" he laugh "are you sure you two not dating?" he ask "of course not PDnim we have the dating ban remember" I said "I know, but if you decide to date him just know that I support that as long it doesn't affect your work" he giving me a thumbs up I just blush and embarrassed "you can go now nayeon" he said "thank you PDnim" I bowed and going out.

"so what did he say?" ryujin meet me outside of PDnim office "nothing just keep up the good work" I lied "really? Why are your face red? Are you sick nayeon?" he said placing his hand on my face I just blush even more "wow you're so hot let me take you to your dorm, I think you're sick" and he hold my hand and lead me to his car and drive back to my dorm.

On the way to my dorm I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say I'm just too embarrassed, we arrive and he open my door for me and continue to hold my hand on the way to my dorm 'why did I felt safe when he hold my hand like this, his hand is bigger than mine so soft and strong' without realizing we arrive at the front of my dorm.

"thanks oppa you don't have to do this you know" I said embarrassed "what come on of course I do, I can't just leave a cute sick girl behind" he said smiling "oppa don't tease me like that" I pouted "come on smile, you look more beautiful and cute when you smile" I just smile at what he said "there it is, that's the cute and beautiful girl I know" he pinch my cheek "hehe I know oppa" I smile "now go and rest nay" he said "nay?" I ask "yeah that's my nickname for you. Nay and Bunny hehe" he laugh "I just laugh and punch him playfully "thanks again oppa" I smile and wave at him "anytime" he said waving me back and I went inside

"I'm baack!!" I yelled and I got pulled by sana to the living room and the other member start questioning me "Unnie is this real?" jeongeon ask me showing the article from before "you really dating?" mina asked "its that really Rujin Oppa?" sana asked "you really dating Ryujin oppa?" tzuyu asked "why didn't you tell us that you're dating him?" dahyun asked me "girls come on let nayeon unnie explain herself" jihyo yelled "thanks jihyo" I thanks her and explain everything to them

"so you're not dating him?" Jihyo asked me "no but yes we're really close and I like hanging out with him" I explained "we really think that you two date each other" dahyun said while the others nodding in confirmation "yeah you two look really good with each other" chaeyoung said and I just blushed at what they said

"heyyy nayeon unnie is blushing" tzuyu pointed out "wow you must be REALLY 'CLOSE' with him and REALLY 'LIKE' hanging out with him" sana emphasizing the word and my face just went more red than before and the others just continue laughing.

Ryujin POV

After I drive Nayeon to her dorm I went back to my dorm, only to find my member freaking out on the dorm on the living room.

"I'm back!!!" I yelled "why are you guys freaking out?" I asked them

"Oppa are you really dating Nayeon?" Younzy grabbing and shaking my shoulder and then Jihan put me on a headlock "yahh why didn't you tell us about this?" while Seonil and Jay just shaking their head, they also keep interrupting me when I tried to explain.

Finally they calmed down and I explain everything to them "you really surprised us you know right hyung?" Jay said "yeah I mean we thought that you would date someone without us knowing anything" seonil said "well I'm not dating her but we're close" I explain "are you sure you two not dating? You seem really fond of her oppa?" well I mean I like her-I mean hanging out with her" I stumbling on my word "what's that hyung?" Jay asked "n-nothing" I stammered on my word "I think oppa just admit that he like her" younzy laugh "wow he might really have fall in love" Seonil jested "we will be your cupid then hyung" Jihan chimes in and everyone laugh and I just blushed at what they said

Author POV

While both of Ryujin and Nayeon blushing at their member both of them think

'Can we really?'

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