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*Rosalie's P.O.V*
I'm no longer that young redheaded girl who people used to step on, I'm now stronger than ever as a blonde and I believe that I can pull this off and get justice for what Stephanie did to Courtney.
It's not over yet, she's taken the piss way too much and I thought to myself someone should get a grip of her and take her down. She might be the princess of the WWE but after I'm done with her I'll become the Queen of the WWE!
Georgia: "Come on Rosalie. You can do it"
Noelle: "Go out there and show Stephanie that she messed with the wrong people!"
Me: "Don't worry I will"
I made my entrance and she made her's like a polyester queen and the other Heel Divas surrounded the ring and guess what? Georgia and Noelle were also ring side and so was the rest of them like Summer, Nattie, Naomi, Brie and so on.
I won the match and Courtney was somewhere in the crowd and now she seriously has to think about it, I always win because I'm a Nicole and Nicole means Victorious people, Victory is on my side.
Stephanie: "Ok, Ok, Courtney can have her career back are you all happy now?!?!?"
(Everyone started to cheer)
Things finally went right for me, Courtney came to the front of the crowed and I came over and hugged her so she's right , it's not over , there is more to come. We had a night out and Courtney turned up, Courtney just needs to pick up a win next week when she makes her return.
Me: "Its not over yet? She's right it's not because we ain't done , this is only the beginning"
Courtney: "Your just the best person ever"
We threw a big party and Stephanie's face was crimson, she was embarrassed because she thought because I come from NXT she thought that I was gonna automatically lose, well there's the moral never underestimate someone from NXT!
Courtney: "How? How do you do it?"
Me: "She underestimated me because I was an NXT Diva, she thought well that girl was from NXT I'll defeat her then she got both eyes wiped"
Courtney: "I've got to get a win next week"
Me: "Yeah I know but don't worry about it, nows the time to celebrate, I batted her words back to her"
She really did eat her own words, she had way too much to say for herself, yeah she might be the boss and fires whoever she likes but tonight I won and Court is back and the boss (Stephanie) never felt big that time.
Me: "It felt amazing beating the hell out of her and ok one likes that woman"
Georgia: "Your a credit to NXT and Total Divas, don't ever forget it"
Noelle: "I thought that we were doomed but I was wrong, you have opened eyes the first time you came here Rosalie"
Me: "Thank you"
Courtney: "I don't know what I would of done without you, you are now my hero"
​(She hugged me)
Me: "What are friends for huh? Well she seriously got on my wick and I thought that I had to do something because what she is doing to people is very wrong"
Anything I think that crosses the line, well I do something about it, I'm never that person who stands there and let injustice happen because what's taken place now is well I'm not satisfied with and I take care of the scraps too.

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