Chapter 4 : The Ultimate Prank

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Emma went to school and walked up the stairs. She saw Naib, Aesop, Eli, and William. They were making a plan on a piece of paper and Emma asked Naib

"What are you doing?"

"We're making a plan to prank Mr Leo. "

Emma was shocked, she just knew that her father was gonna get prank. So, she wanted to make this even more fun, she said

"Ok then, mind if I join?"

"Sure, why not. "

Emma looked at the plan and so, she invited the whole class to do it and they all agreed. William started to make a simple prank. He puts a bucket filled with black ink on the door. Naib spread the soap everywhere on the stairs and put a banana peel at the middle. Vera spray her perfume on the bucket to restart it's movement. Eli already put his owl in a perfect spot to see everything. Leo was on the second floor, he went out of the teacher room. Kevin sneaks up behind Leo and pushed him down the stairs.


Leo fell down the stairs and tried to get up, but only to fall down because of the banana peel. He fell down for the rest of the stairs(Which is like 20 or so). Kevin went back to the classroom first from Fiona's portal. Leo got back up from the stairs and went into the classroom. The bucket of ink fell on him twice and Patricia stunned Leo. Norton stucks a magnet at Leo's body and Margaretha put her red music box on the ground. William was getting ready to ram into Leo with his football. Naib opened the door to the science lab and Kurt opened the window in the science lab. Tracy and her robot was holding Leo's arm.

"3! 2! 1! Go!"

William shouted before he ram Leo into the science lab and outside the window. Leo then fall from the second floor, but it wasn't the end of it. Kreacher and Freddy throws a lot of stuff out the window from the thirds floor and hit Leo. Helena and Servais then poured sand around Leo and Eli's owl put a flower on his head before pecking his head and flew away. Everybody in the class went back to the classroom and laughed. Later on, Leo was in the clinic and his substitute was Joseph. Joseph then gave them a lot of homework and said

"This is all from Mr Leo, so you better do it. "

Then everybody went home. It was a fun day.

◈ ━━━━━Chapter 4 End━━━━━ ◈

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