Chapter Two: Grey Eyed Gang Man

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Its been a few weeks since my arrival in New Orleans. I had started my job already and my new life.

"You will have to file these reports by Monday. No later." My boss, Sargent Valdez slapped a stack of papers on my desk. My dark circled eyes slowly wandered to the stack as I sighed. I chose this. I took a sip off my piping hot coffee and began to look through the files of the people I had to bust. The first one to be opened showed a black and white picture of a man who is gripping onto another man to seemingly drag him somewhere. His name read Juniper Groves. I went to the next one and it had the guy the in the last photo that was being dragged. His name was Dylan Hocks.

 Apparently these guys were hardcore gang members and make deals with drugs, money, sex, or whatever they can get their filthy hands on. Moving onto the next one it was another criminal, nothing fancy about him. The last one is what caught my attention. I opened the folder and stared at the picture of a devilishly handsome man with light grey eyes that brightened up from his tan caramel skin. His jet black short and tousled hair fit his face just nicely around his high cheekbones and fine jaw line, the small smirk that spread on his lips tied it all together with his 4 o' clock shadow.

 Getting out of my daze, I drank more coffee and began my digging of research on the criminals. As I got all of the information I needed on each criminal, I began to feel more confident in this bust. Just then, my computer began beeping wildly and crashing. "W-what? No! NO!" I yelled and slammed my fists on the desk, everyone's head snapping to me. 

Jesus save me.. 

I sighed and slumped back down into my chair, my boss coming right to my desk. "What's this nonsense Detective Malford?" I then pointed to my computer, still watching it beep and crash like a madman. "Oh shit.." Sargent said as he looked around too all of the other computers, everyone else's seemed to be working just fine BUT mine. "Let me see your files." He reached for them and I gave them, immediately he started looking through each one and stopped on the man I had kind of just skimmed through. "You did your research on this man?" Sargent questioned as he looked over to me from the file. "Yes.." I said quietly. "He's in your server, it alarmed him when you did your research, hes a hacker and damn good at it too if he can get into our systems." He said as he looked through the other ones. "Don't worry though, its easy to replace, it just might take a couple days. Detective, this bust is the biggest one I've seen since you got here. Don't screw it up. In the meantime, there's nothing you can do here until we get this fixed. Go home and get some rest." He handed me back my files and turned around, walking back to his office and shutting the door, leaving me there with my files in hand. 

I gather my stuff and walk outside to my car, getting in, and driving home, the sunset was so pretty yet blinding. I get home and do what I always do. Sit around, eat, and binge watch any show that appeals to me. Sometimes, i'll have a glass of wine, or two, or five.. I honestly didn't want to just sit around though, I want to go out and have fun. It's New Orleans after all. But the sad part, I have no friends to go out with, no man, and nobody else but me. I needed to get a couple of glasses of my go go juice in me before I got ready or did anything. 

After an hour or so of getting ready to go out, I examined myself in the mirror. My dark brunette thick and wavy hair curled a little more than usual and my makeup looked a little bit more done up than what I usually do. I wore a white flowy crop top with a denim jacket where the shoulder of it fell slightly. My bottoms were black and white plaid high waisted jeans and after that followed my dark brown combat boots, the laces went up a little passed my ankles. I was satisfied with the way I looked so I decided to head out. I wanted to get a little plastered tonight, after all I was off for a couple of days, and a little human interaction wouldn't hurt.

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