Chapter One

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"Andy, I'm home!" I shouted as I walked into the door. I heard the sound of feet shuffling and an excited Andy peek from the kitchen doorway, a wide smile on his face. He ran up to me, arms wide, and hugged me tightly, squeezing me as he did so.

"I missed you, little sis!" He exclaimed.

"I was only gone for three weeks, it went by quicker than I thought it would," I responded. I went to Paris for three weeks for a school trip, we were learning about the history that had happened in Paris, about the Eiffel Tower, it was better than I ever couldve imagined it to be.

"Well it seemed like forever for me!" He stated, holding me tighter. I pushed him away jokingly.

"I'm not trying to pass out, Andy," I laughed slightly.

"Sorry, it just seemed like forever," he responded. Andy was my older brother, he was two and a half years older than me. He took care of me ever since Mom got sick. She's still fighting, I know it, even if I havent seem her in months. I know that Mom is strong, Dad couldnt live with the pain of her sickness from what Andy told me. He left us, didn't even say goodbye. All he did was leave a note. One that I still have, that I still hold onto.

Dear Andy and Danielle,

I know it's been hard with Mom being sick, it's hard on me most seeing the one I love in pain. You two are stronger than I could ever be, I'm weak, I know that. If I wasnt, I wouldn't be leaving, but I know you can handle it. When shes healed, better, you'll all be happy, you can tell her that I love her too. That I'll miss her. I love you guys with all my heart and I hope you guys do amazing things.

Sincerely Dad

"So, how was Paris?" He asked, breaking me from my thoughts. I knew the letter by heart because of how frequently I read it. Almost every night, sometimes I still cry because I miss him.

"It was alright, kind of chaotic. Two girls got lost, well, taken. They're still in search for them," I explained.

"Who?" He asked, concern showing on his face.

"Lydia Emerson and Emma Wilde," I responded. Andy's eyes quickly became glassy and I forgot that he dated Lydia for two years. Two painful years. Where she cheated on him with Jackson Smith, her ex. Once they split, I had to burn the letters, throw away her clothes, and get his hoodie back. She put up a fight, though, she hit me when I took it. I had a bruise on my cheek for at least a week.

"I'm sorry," I spoke quietly, putting my head down.

"Hey, it's alright. I'm sure they're both fine, they can fight. I know it. I made your favorite for dinner, if you're hungry that is," he stated. My stomach growled loudly and he chuckled. "I guess that's a yes?" I laughed and smiled, following him into the kitchen.

The smell of meatloaf filled the room, making my mouth water slightly. I sat down as Andy brought me a plate.

"It looks so delicious, Andy!" I exclaimed, picking up my fork to take a bite.

"It better taste as good as it looks, it took my two hours to make," he chucked.

"So," I stated, taking a bite out of the baked potato that sat next to the meatloaf, "how was being here without me?"

"Oh, dont even get me started, Dani, it was pure torture! I hated every second of it," he laughed. "I had no one to steal the TV remote from for a weeks!" I let out a slight giggle, covering my mouth as I realized I did so. "I missed your annoying laugh even more, though."

I threw my napkin at him. "You're so weird!" I laughed again slightly. The doorbell rang and I jumped up to go it. Andy volunteered but I refused to let him. As I opened the door, a tall, attractive boy with brown hair stood there silently.

"Is Andy here?" He asked, running his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, one second," I stated. "Andy, someones here for you!" I heard the sound of him walking and before I knew it he stood behind me, motioning me out of the way.

"Hey, mate, what's up?" Andy stated, they gave each other a fist bump before Andy invited the man in. "Oh, before I forget, this is Rye, and Rye, this is my little sister Dani," I gave him a small smile.

"Yeah, yeah, the younger sister who gets spoiled, I've heard of you. He couldnt stop talking about how worried he'd been since you left," Rye told me. Andy slapped his shoulder jokingly before ruffling my hair.

"You look small than I imagined," Rye stated. I gave him a questioning look.

"Well, what did you expect?" I asked, curiosity overfilling me.

"For starters, from the description that Andy gave me, I'd have thought you were taller, your hair would be blonde like his, and I didnt think youd be this cute," he explained. Wait what?

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