Chapter Four

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"Hey, Dani, what's up?" Andy answered.

"Can you pick me up?" I asked through long sobs.

"Wait, what's wrong? Are you okay? What's happening?" He asked, panick in his voice. "Where are you?"

"At the tree," I breathed out, trying to slow down my breathing to calm myself down. I was afraid he'd attempt, do something that he'd regret. What if he does? No, don't think like that! I thought to myself.

"I'm on my way," Andy sounded as if he was panicking, and I felt bad for being the cause of it. I loved Andy with all my heart, I hated it when he was worried about me, when he was upset. I hated it when he was anything except his happy, normal self. The heartbreaks for him were the worst, the way he'd cry himself to sleep and how he never smiled or asked for anything. Just how he shut down broke me. I hated every second of it. I clicked off my phone and lay my back against the tree, sighing as I did so.

Me, now, I just want to die, I understand what Rye was rambling on about now. I feel empty, broke, and numb. What would it be like to just . . . disappear? Not forever, but, for a limited time. Maybe a day or two, just to see how it affects people, how I feel, see if it gets better or worse. I felt tired all of the sudden, sleepy. I could hardly keep my eyes open, I felt as if I was drifting away, but yet I was here, it made no sense.

"Dani!" I heard a voice yell from far away, everything seemed so distant, but then I face came into my vision. Rye. Had he sobered up? Is he okay now? Was his mind clear? God, I just want to sleep. "Hey, hey, look at me," he soothed, wrapping me up. He picked me up bridal style and began to carry me out of the woods. Away from the tree, my tree. The one which many memories had been made by Andy and I. "Danielle, stay with me, hold on, just a little longer," his voice seemed as if he was so far away, but he wasn't. He was so close to me.

I heard a car door open and I felt my body being placed down. "Dude, no, stay back there with her, make sure she doesn't pass out or something!" I heard Andy yell, I was so tempted to scream at him that I'm okay. That I'm not dying, but I didn't.

Rye picked me back up and lay my head in his lap, staring at his gorgeous face, the way the stubble of a beard began to show, it was light, hard to see, but I noticed. When he looked down at me, I saw his dark eyes, dark circles around them, I could tell he was tired, too. I closed my eyes, wanting to just sleep, but Rye gripped my hand and held on tight. "Dont sleep, please, not yet," Rye whispered. Why not? If I sleep, I'll feel better. After about twenty minutes of fighting my hardest to stay away, we arrived at a hospital. I sat in my own room, trying to stay awake for Rye and for Andy. But I gave in.


I woke up to the sound of snoring, my head aching miserably, with someone holding onto my hand. I looked over to see Rye sleeping, his hand in my while Andy slept comfortably in the chair next to my bed. I guess Rye felt me move because he bolted awake as if someone made a really loud noise.

"Hey," he stated with a cute, small smile.

"What happened?" I asked, placing the palm of my hand on my forehead, holding the pain would just instantly stop, but to my luck, it didnt.

"We're not sure, the doctor should be telling us soon," Rye explained.

"How're you feeling, love?" Andy stated, wiping away the tears as they fell. He really was worried, he had to be if he was crying, either that or another heartbreak.

"My head hurts, man, I just want to . . .  sleep," I almost snitched on myself, the truth was, I just wanted tk fucking drink.

"How are you still tired?" Andy asked, a slight chuckle in his voice as if he couldn't be happier that I were here.

I shrugged, because truly, I didnt know. "I'm not sure," Andy sighed and smiled.

"Well I'm going to head home, you want a lift Rye?" He asked as he grabbed his black jacket and put it on. Rye shook his head.

"Nah, man, I'm fine, Jack is going to pick me up in about half an hour," Rye explained. Andy nodded as he opened the door.

"Love you sis," he mumbled with a smile, and with that, he was out of sight. I hated how upset he looked, it broke my heart.

"Thank you for holding on for me, Dani," Rye stated, kissing my hand softly, passionately.

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