Chapter Three

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"What?" I asked, moving away from him a bit, but as soon as I stood up, I got dizzy again.

"I want to kiss you, i-is that bad?" He asked. I shrugged, because really, I had no clue if it was bad or not.

"I need you, Dani," he breathed out, his eyes traveling over my body slowly, licking his lips softly.

"No, you're drunk," I responded, walking out.

"Please, don't go, I'm tired of being alone. I'm tired of . . . living," he spoke quietly.

"What?" I asked, turning around to see an upset Rye, a tear slowly falling down his cheek.

"Its so hard keeping up this façade, this happy image around Andy, but I'm not okay, I never am anymore and I don't know what to do," he sobbed out, his voice croaky.

"I'm going to go, I have to meet with a friend, I hope you feel better, Rye," I stated walking outside. What was going on with him? Why was he acting like that? Did I just see him cry? I'm sure he'll be fine, maybe the alcohol was just fucking him up a little bit?

I arrive at Brooks house and knocked on the door quietly, when there was no answer, I climbed up to his window and peered inside. Brook sat on his bed, his headphones in, he couldn't hear me. I guess his parents must not have been home due to the unanswered door. I tapped lightly on the glass, he looked around and saw me, a smile on his face as he took out his headphones.

"Hey, Dani," he stated, greeting me as he opened the window. I climbed in and pulled him into a hug, I really needed one after what I had seen of Rye. "Hey, are you okay?" I quickly blinked away the tears that were forming on the rim of my eyes.

"Yeah, I just missed you," I half lied. I did miss him, that part was true, but I wasn't okay.

"I missed you too? Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little off right now Dan," Brook stated.

I placed my hand on his back and gave him my fakest smile, which, luckily, he didnt notice was fake. "Yes, I'm fine, Brook," he nodded before standing up. "How are you?"

"Eh, could be better, but I'm not complaining. Shannon texted me, I dont know how she got my number, thought that I could help her with her school work since she doesn't quite understand it all. I told her I would and that was the end of that," he explained.

"Brook . . . you like her, don't you?" He shrugged.

"A little, yeah," he sighed. "I'm sorry," he apologized.

"Don't be, babe, I just dont want you to set yourself up for another heartbreak. Last time was hard enough on me, I dont think I can watch you go through that again," I responded.

"It was painful. Now that I look back at it, Lisa was a--"

"Bitch, yeah, I agree," I stated, cutting him off.

"No," he laughed, "I was going to say heartless, but that works too," he broke out in laughter and I joined him.

"Arent you hot in that hoodie?" I asked him, he had to be. I was hot and I was wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt, I was sweating. He shut down but shook his head. "Take it off," I commanded him.

"Why? I . . . I'm really not hot, I'm fine," he spoke. I could hear his voice breaking, knowing that he was trying to stop himself from crying, I could hear the pain, the nervousness in his voice.

"Please," I begged. As he slid out one arm from it, then the other, and slid it over his head, my heart shattered. "Brook . . ."

"No, it's not bad, I promise, it was an accident!" He sobbed. I took his arm and looked over the marks, the red cuts which covered his skin.

"Why?" I looked up at his glassy eyes, he looked away from me while yanking away his arm.

"I needed to feel something. I felt empty, like I wasn't really here anymore. I didn't feel real, so I needed pain," he explained.

"Why didnt you tell me?" I asked, fear obviously in my voice because he winced.

"I'm sorry, I really am! I never meant for you to find out. I didn't want you to find out," he sobbed, tears streaming down his face as he wiped them away quickly. "Please, go."

"Dont push me away, Brook. You can't do that to me!" I screamed, tears stinging my eyes.

"Please, just leave me alone," he turned away from me. I grabbed his arm and he winced, shit. My life is falling apart so quickly.

"I can't trust you alone, I know that you know that!"

"Leave or I will call Andy," he threatened.

"This isnt right!" I sobbed. He pointed at the window and I did as he told me, I left. My heart ached and I was scared. Scared he would try something. I pulled out my phone and called Andy.

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