Chapter 21

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Lilly's POV

I cannot wait to go to the beach with Demi and Wilmer. Of course I am a little nervous about all the people who will be there, but I want to be fine again and this might help. I've always loved being outside and I've never been to the ocean.

My parents died when I was 3. I've always known that. But at the session with the counselor, I came to the realization that this means I can never see them again. I can never ask them why Uncle Mark was so mean, or what I was like when I was a baby. I wish I could see them again; I barely even remember what they looked like and I don't know if anyone has a picture to show me.

Demi told me that this month is called July. That means that there is no school for people that go to regular school, but since I'm still dumb for my age, I said that I wanted to keep learning during all of summer. Maybe then I can be smart enough to be at school with people my age. I'm putting Demi and Wilmer through too much trouble. Demi also explained that my birthday is in July, on the 23rd. That means that I will soon be 10 years old. I wonder how old Nevvy is.

Demi helps me put on a swimsuit. It shows all of my legs and arms which I don't really like because I have a lot of scars from Uncle Mark and from accidentally hurting myself with cleaning equipment when I was younger. The swimsuit is also many bright colors. I don't want to stand out.

"Do you like the swimsuit or do you want to try on the other one?" Demi asks.

I shrug. I don't like this one, but the other one is almost the same anyway. "This is okay."

"Then, I think we're ready to go!"

Although I don't enjoy wearing the swimsuit, I can't wait to get to the beach. I've seen pictures all my life and I can't believe that I will finally get to be a part of something like this, something normal.

We drive to the beach, then walk to the sand. The air smells like salt and the sun feels warm. I can understand why so many people like the beach. The sand buns my feet a little because the shoes I'm wearing don't really cover my feet, but it feels good actually.

I can feel a huge grin spread across my face and I close my lips together because I don't want others to think that this is something other than ordinary for me.

"Isn't it pretty?" Demi asks.

I look out to the ocean. "Yeah," I agree.

Wilmer and Demi each take one of my hands and we walk down the sand towards the water. Demi turns around and looks a little worried, so I look up at her again to try and figure out what's wrong.

"Is something bad?" I question.

"No. I'm just looking for someone. There they are!"

I turn to look where she's pointing and see Nevvy standing there with some people that I don't know. I can barely see her because I start to cry. I can't believe just how much I'd missed seeing her. She looks a lot happier and healthier than she did before. I'm glad that she's happy even though I wish that I was the one caring for her.

I run over to my sister and hug her close. She's almost as tall as me already, but apparently I am short for my age.

It's weird, but I don't know what to say to her. She understands me, but she's also a lot younger than me and I don't know what she all knows.

"What's your new favorite food?" I ask her.

"French fries," she replies.

Demi and Wilmer catch up to us.

"My parents are there," Nevvy says, pointing to the strangers. They seem nice and I'm glad that she finally has a real family.

"And these are mine." I smile when I look up at Demi and Wilmer. I guess I have a real family now too. 

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